'Grenade man:' I'd target Bush again


Well-Known Member
It's interesting how the scum of the Earth always want their "Rights" protected.

"I demand that the international organization Human Rights Watch be present."


willie said:
It's interesting how the scum of the Earth always want their "Rights" protected.

"I demand that the international organization Human Rights Watch be present."
Guys like this accidently die in prison.


Well-Known Member
Vince said:
Guys like this accidently die in prison.
Or they do a "rendition" (I think that is what they call it) and the USA gets another 'shame on you' from the press.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Last night I was watching the VH-1 awards and it was a big Bush-bash fest. Kanye West got some award specifically for his comments about Bush. The commentators went on and on about what a brilliant political mind West is, etc, etc. Yet when West was accepting his award from a remote location, he had to tell his gang of thugs to be quiet so he could speak. They were cutting up and fooling around in the background. So these people have no respect for anything at all.

I think it should be against the law to spread all this hate and discontent against our President in time of war (or any time, for that matter). You can dissent all you want, but there should still be some respect for the office and the man that holds it. You don't see any other country's citizens doing this - if they're critical of their government or leaders, they say so and why. They don't get on camera and start making a bunch of ignorant jokes and slinging vitriol.

We have too much freedom in this country.

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
vraiblonde said:
I think it should be against the law to spread all this hate and discontent against our President in time of war (or any time, for that matter). You can dissent all you want, but there should still be some respect for the office and the man that holds it. You don't see any other country's citizens doing this - if they're critical of their government or leaders, they say so and why. They don't get on camera and start making a bunch of ignorant jokes and slinging vitriol.

We have too much freedom in this country.

So your saying we should move towards communism like the old Russia where speaking out against your government gets you thrown in a gulag?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Bustem' Down said:
So your saying we should move towards communism like the old Russia where speaking out against your government gets you thrown in a gulag?
Speaking out against your government is one thing - being disrespectful and threatening is something else. Genuine dissent is protected under the Constitution, but it shouldn't include obscenities and crude "jokes".

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
vraiblonde said:
Speaking out against your government is one thing - being disrespectful and threatening is something else. Genuine dissent is protected under the Constitution, but it shouldn't include obscenities and crude "jokes".
Threatening is illegal sure. Obcenities and cruel jokes is just juvenille so ignore it. It's not like I haven't heard it coming at democrat presidents.


Active Member
What is GW's approval rating?? That is probably the reason people are making jokes. It's called freedom of speech. If you don't like it, move out of the country.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Bushy23 said:
If you don't like it, move out of the country.
You move out of the country, Pinky. My guy got elected not once, but twice. So his approval ratings don't mean squat.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Well then...

Bushy23 said:
What is GW's approval rating?? That is probably the reason people are making jokes. It's called freedom of speech. If you don't like it, move out of the country.

...you certainly don't mind hearing that Howard Dean is a traitor to the people of this nation because he is overtly giving aid and comfort to the very people who would kill him first? And worse, he 's plain wrong about Iraq.

You are more than happy to hear, freedom of speech and all, that John Kerry is a traitor to the uniform he wore, the people he served with and the office he holds because he, as well, is giving overt aid and comfort to the very people who would kill him right after they killed ol' Howie? And that he's plain wrong about Iraq before he was right that he is wrong about Iraq?

Certainly, for free speechs sake, you're proud to hear that Bill Clinton is the one and only person responsible for 9/11 who could have done anything to prevent it? This is because he is the leader, the coward, who stood by, attack after attack, up to and including Osamas declaration of war in 1997 against us, and his manifesto indicating our very weakness in leadership.

The blood of 3,000 innocent human beings is on Bill Clintons hands because he is a child instead of a man. He's a boy more interested in the wants of his penis than the needs of the people.

John Kerry and Rep. Murtha would rather betray our country, our armed forces, both in the ranks and those who have fallen and gain some perverted political advantage with leftist, self loathing US haters than to pitch in and stand by their President and get the job, THE ONE THEY VOTED TO SUPPORT, done and done right.

Certainly, in the name of free speech, you're pleased to hear that the Democratic party, en masse, are turning their back on a war of liberation, a war to bring demcoracy to a terribly troubled region, rather than see it work.

Isn't is sickening that the truth is thus; their greatest fear is that we ARE winning in Iraq, that the Iraqi people ARE standing up, are seeing a new, shinning day and Democrats, leftists, in this country, cowards who call themselves 'liberal' fear...


There it is. The blood of every man, woman and Iraqi child is on the hands of Kanye West because the murderers with their bombs know that Kanye and his ilk, along with Howie and Murtha and Kerry and all the rest, are their ONLY hope; war weariness at home.

If all these traitors would, instead of trying to get Saddam Hussien his old job back, stand against homicidal maniacs for just awhile, peace would be at hand.

But, as long as freedom of speech in this nation means you can openly betray the good we have done and are doing in LIBERATING an entire nation and perhaps a region, the blood will continue to flow because we are not all afraid to dare for a better tomorrow for the whole world.

Approval ratings have nothing to do with right and wrong.

John Z

if you will
Vrai, your post reminds me of the Schoolhouse Rock-like show on the Simpsons about amendments to the Constitution: :wink:

Boy: [spoken] Hey, who left all this garbage lying on the
steps of Congress?
Amendment: [spoken] I'm not garbage.

I'm an amendment to be
Yes, an amendment to be
And I'm hoping that they'll ratify me
There's a lot of flag burners
Who have got too much freedom
I wanna make it legal
For policemen
To beat 'em
'Cause there's limits to our liberties
'Least I hope and pray that there are
'Cause those liberal freaks go too far.

Boy: [spoken] But why can't we just make a law against
flag burning?
Amendment: [spoken] Because that law would be unconstitutional.
But if we _changed_ the Constitution...
Boy: [spoken] Then we could make all sorts of crazy laws!
Amendment: [spoken] Now you're catching on!


John Z said:
Vrai, your post reminds me of the Schoolhouse Rock-like show on the Simpsons about amendments to the Constitution: :wink:

Boy: [spoken] Hey, who left all this garbage lying on the
steps of Congress?
Amendment: [spoken] I'm not garbage.

I'm an amendment to be
Yes, an amendment to be
And I'm hoping that they'll ratify me
There's a lot of flag burners
Who have got too much freedom
I wanna make it legal
For policemen
To beat 'em
'Cause there's limits to our liberties
'Least I hope and pray that there are
'Cause those liberal freaks go too far.

Boy: [spoken] But why can't we just make a law against
flag burning?
Amendment: [spoken] Because that law would be unconstitutional.
But if we _changed_ the Constitution...
Boy: [spoken] Then we could make all sorts of crazy laws!
Amendment: [spoken] Now you're catching on!

That sounds like one of those campy 70's throwbacks that appeals to Generation X-er's.


Well-Known Member
If it's always ok to bash the President - even if it's wartime, and you're a Senator, a former President or the head of a political party - all in the name of free speech ----

-- then *I* have JUST as much right to challenge their patriotism and call them traitors.

Don't like it?

Hey, it's a free country.


Freedom of speech is crucial to the foundations of this country. Hopefully the listeners of the speech can determine the validity of the content in an intelligent manner.

Too many people in this country, often from the entertainment industry, are speaking out with little real knowledge of the Iraq (or global) situation. Many politicians do indeed know the facts, but spin them for their own gain. People should judge the credibility of the speaker, using a knowledge vs. personal gain ratio. Sadly, many take a speech (or sound-bite) verbatim and never question it, often because it parallels their own beliefs.

Kanye knows nothing, but can use his outbursts to further his music sales. Rummy knows everything, but spins it for political gain and strategic reasons. Both understandable, depending upon your viewpoint, but that doesn't mean we have to go parrot them.

Our computers have 256 shades of gray. Our minds should too.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
John Z said:
There's a lot of flag burners
Who have got too much freedom
I wanna make it legal
For policemen
To beat 'em
'Cause there's limits to our liberties
'Least I hope and pray that there are
'Cause those liberal freaks go too far
:lmao: I LOVE it! Green karma coming your way!


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
SamSpade said:
If it's always ok to bash the President - even if it's wartime, and you're a Senator, a former President or the head of a political party - all in the name of free speech ----

-- then *I* have JUST as much right to challenge their patriotism and call them traitors.

Don't like it?

Hey, it's a free country.
And there you have it. These Leftist freaks say all kinds of nasty things about Republicans and the Bush Administration, all in the name of free speech. Yet they get their little panties in a wad if you call them what they are - unpatriotic juvenile traitors.

On the DU, they scream their fool heads off about "free speech" and "expression" and "rights", yet you post one single sentence that doesn't begin with "Bush is an evil Nazi" and they'll ban you so fast it'll make your head spin. They'll go on and on about how the Bush Administration is trying to silence them (on their website that is obviously still up and running), then turn around and chatter incessantly about how Rush Limbaugh should be shut down and Fox News should be taken off the air.

That little dolt-fest last night was beyond belief and it's sad to think that those are the people who are our children's cultural role-models.


Football addict
vraiblonde said:
Last night I was watching the VH-1 awards and it was a big Bush-bash fest. Kanye West got some award specifically for his comments about Bush. The commentators went on and on about what a brilliant political mind West is, etc, etc. Yet when West was accepting his award from a remote location, he had to tell his gang of thugs to be quiet so he could speak. They were cutting up and fooling around in the background. So these people have no respect for anything at all.
Bleh...I'm not a parent but IF I WERE!:lol: I just can't see letting my offspring watch this dribble.