Greys Anatomy Premier



I just stepped in into the 21st century a little further and finally bought me a Tivo. I like CSI and Grey's Anatomy and you can't watch them at the same time. I just got the cheap one though. Thats all I wanted it for. Oh and Desperate Housewives.


It's only life....
I'm so excited for the new season to start!:yahoo:

If boys can have football parties....we shold be able to have Grey's Anatomy parties. Although I love my football too!

I think McDreamy gets in an accident but I doubt he will die.....I mean why would we continue to watch with out a weekly does of angst and sexual frustration that Derek and Meredith bring! I mean we'd have to find a new McDreamy....any volunteers.


New Member
If boys can have football parties....we shold be able to have Grey's Anatomy parties. Although I love my football too!

I think McDreamy gets in an accident but I doubt he will die.....I mean why would we continue to watch with out a weekly does of angst and sexual frustration that Derek and Meredith bring! I mean we'd have to find a new McDreamy....any volunteers.

ABSOLUTELY! I'll cook dinner & banish the boys to the basement to play Wii!


New Member
You know I am talking about Dreamblaze....right?

I fed him & now he thinks he lives here or something...LOL! Now we :love: him so it's all good, plus he fixes things & makes my 4 y/o use his manners.:lmao:


It's only life....
You know I am talking about Dreamblaze....right?

I fed him & now he thinks he lives here or something...LOL! Now we :love: him so it's all good, plus he fixes things & makes my 4 y/o use his manners.:lmao:

I know! I meant I need to find me a nice guy like that and apparantly cooking is the way to do it.....

See I try to be funny and it just never works!:loser:


New Member
I know! I meant I need to find me a nice guy like that and apparantly cooking is the way to do it.....

See I try to be funny and it just never works!:loser:

I figured you knew but I wasn't very clear in my first reply. :huggy:

If you want to learn how to cook I can teach you what I know.It does help in the landing a man category.:love: I taught my hubby & now he has an entourage of followers at work who beg him to make desserts for them!


I caught my Mcdreamy by my good cooking and the fact that his house was clean and spotless when he came back from travel one week. I swear I had never seen such a mess. It appeared clean when you walked in but there was a layer of cat hair every where and I don't think anyone had mopped in that house for years! He also thinks I am hilarious and that I was sent to him by his mother who passed just the year before. He thinks and I think it too, that we are soulmates. It's wonderful! 13yrs. and counting and we are still crazy about each other! :yahoo:


Rumors are McDreamy dies but no one knows if its a dream or the real thing through out the whole season. They said he is making movies and is doing bigger and better things. I hope for everyones sake its just a dream and he doesnt leave! I have been watching since day one and first season second episode it was about my sons heart condition! It blew me away cause its rare and not many people know about it so I was in shock. Plus it helps seeing Mcdreamy smile.....aaaahhhh!


Rumors are McDreamy dies but no one knows if its a dream or the real thing through out the whole season. They said he is making movies and is doing bigger and better things. I hope for everyones sake its just a dream and he doesnt leave! I have been watching since day one and first season second episode it was about my sons heart condition! It blew me away cause its rare and not many people know about it so I was in shock. Plus it helps seeing Mcdreamy smile.....aaaahhhh!

:huggy: Prayers for your son and you, keep your chin up and have faith!


New Member
So many good shows coming back this week... I can't wait. ER is back for its last season & one of the regulars dies it appears. Well, at least they say a "fan favorite", so you can't quite be sure. Also, I really like "Criminal Minds" and they had the SUV with all of the FBI team members in it blow up at the end of last season, so it should be good! Of course, "Gray's" is at the top of the list, as they are all so quirky that it's sad, uncomfortable and hysterical, all at the same time! Of course, nothing beats a good McDreamy fix, either! :drool:


My sister turned me onto Fringe. You can watch online at

I'll be tuned into Ugly and Grey's tonight. :yahoo:


:huggy: Prayers for your son and you, keep your chin up and have faith!

Aw, thanks so much! Yeah hes been through so much in his life I cant imagine how he doesnt let any of this effect him. Anyways, Grey's was kinda odd lastnight. Im not really sure what to think of it. I love the show and will continue to watch it just because I want to believe good things are gonna happen. But the dreams and the jokes and the kissing!!! Was it to just yank our chain cause thats what they showed as previews and wanted to get us hooked or is it leading to something. Plus, plus, plus next week it wont be on!!! we have to wait two weeks to see a new one. Ok, im done with my ranting. Wasnt sure if anyone else felt the same or if was just me :shrug: