Groom Tries To Drown Himself After Meeting 'Ugly' Bride


Lawful neutral

An arranged marriage groom was so upset when he saw his bride for the first time that he tried to drown himself.

Kang Hu, 33, stunned guests, family and friends when he apologized to bride Na Sung, 30, telling her that she was 'too ugly' to marry.

He later explained: 'I feel bad about what happened but when I saw her she wasn’t what I had expected and I realised she would be bad for my image.


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Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
So I guess trying to off yourself is good for your image. What next? Black fingernail polish & goth clothing?


Well-Known Member
They have strange ways over there. He was being forced to marry, which I find to be very sad and sick. It was his only way out. I am surprised more do not do this. I would if I was being forced to marry someone....especially a muslim.


Well-Known Member
But where's the picture of the bride? He may have been entirely justified. :laughingatother'smisery:


mama to two
But where's the picture of the bride? He may have been entirely justified. :laughingatother'smisery:

You made me laugh! Thank you! There has to be humor in life. How else do we get through it? It took me a long time to find my humor. It was buried really deep. :lol: