Groomer Democrats


Board Mommy
PREMO Member

TLDR: "If we can't get our hands on your kids and **** them up mentally and emotionally, we won't come to your state!"

This week, the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors, doing their level best to keep Californians out of Texas and Florida, (a move which no doubt delighted conservatives in both states) voted to ban official travel to Florida and Texas.

No kidding! I wish they'd ban ALL Democrats from going to FL or Texas. They rant and rave about how evil FL is, but look where they go on vacation and where they purchase their second homes. They rail about masks and lockdowns and social distancing, but the FIRST thing they do when they get here is whip off their masks and jump in a mosh pit.

I wish ALL Democrat urban nightmares would ban FL travel for ALL residents. With any luck LA is leading the charge on this.


Well-Known Member
It would be nice if New York and California could ban their leftists from leaving either State.
Even old Nancy bought a house (on the waterfront with the rising tides) in Florida.

Running from the high taxes in California. Florida should pass a law that anyone like Pelosi who is running from the high taxes she helped bring about should have to pay an equivalent tax in Florida.

Got damned hypocrites.


Well-Known Member
It would be nice if New York and California could ban their leftists from leaving either State.
Even old Nancy bought a house (on the waterfront with the rising tides) in Florida.

Running from the high taxes in California. Florida should pass a law that anyone like Pelosi who is running from the high taxes she helped bring about should have to pay an equivalent tax in Florida.

Got damned hypocrites.
On the plus side that old bitch can't live forever.