Well-Known Member
The is Q1 2009 thru Q 4 2011: the first three years of the last Administration.
Note the 4% level was breached twice. Also note: the collapse in growth is Q3 2011 was due to the idiocy of the President and Rs who controlled Congress. The dumbasses in Congress pushed the US to the brink of growth stopped...consumers stopped spending as the children who were supposed to be leading this country acted liked children and endangered the nascent recovery.
This is Q1 2014 thru Q4 2016: the last three years of the previous Administration:
Note: 5% growth met once and breached once. Also note the consistency after those two quarters.
This is Q1 2017 thru Q4 2019:
Note: to those who can't read graphs (like the ones who proclaim graduate level collegiate educational attainment) this chart will look better. Those people will fail to note the smaller increments of growth on the vertical axis.
Note: strongest growth was 3.5% significantly below the strongest growth of either of the two 3 year periods noted above.
Also Note: the consistency of the last 3 quarters...looks just like the final 4 quarters prior to the beginning of this Administration.
Note the 4% level was breached twice. Also note: the collapse in growth is Q3 2011 was due to the idiocy of the President and Rs who controlled Congress. The dumbasses in Congress pushed the US to the brink of growth stopped...consumers stopped spending as the children who were supposed to be leading this country acted liked children and endangered the nascent recovery.
This is Q1 2014 thru Q4 2016: the last three years of the previous Administration:
Note: 5% growth met once and breached once. Also note the consistency after those two quarters.
This is Q1 2017 thru Q4 2019:
Note: to those who can't read graphs (like the ones who proclaim graduate level collegiate educational attainment) this chart will look better. Those people will fail to note the smaller increments of growth on the vertical axis.
Note: strongest growth was 3.5% significantly below the strongest growth of either of the two 3 year periods noted above.
Also Note: the consistency of the last 3 quarters...looks just like the final 4 quarters prior to the beginning of this Administration.