

Board Mommy
PREMO Member
So I might as well spew about what's pizzing me off today (besides retard's who still think there are no WMD in Iraq and that Saddam and Al Qaeda are mutually exclusive).

Health insurance.

What a friggin' scam. And now some moronica is trying to make it the law that ALL businesses, even little dinky ones, have to offer it to their employees.

Most people think that their employer gives them health insurance free - wrong. If they didn't have to pay the $600+/mo premiums, you'd see a nice big fat raise. So YOU are paying for that health insurance, make no mistake.

So insurance companies can jack up their premiums to whatever they want, and stupid people will still pay because for some reason they think they NEED health insurance. Who here has ever actually used health care past their deductible? Hardly anyone, that's who. I've never gone over my deductible in my life.

Where's all that money going? It's going for administrative costs, #1, then it's going to the handful of people who have major medical issues. So I laugh when I hear Republicans rail against "socialized medicine"; we already HAVE socialized medicine in this country!

I rarely go to the doctor - no need to because I'm healthy and don't get into car accidents. But over the years I've paid for hundreds of chemo treatments and thousands of broken bones - FOR PEOPLE I DON'T EVEN KNOW!!!!!



Not dead yet.
It's like 13% of the economy Vrai. Sure, there will be a few winners and many many losers. Like most insurance though you buy it just in case and hope you never have to use it.

How about car insurance? I haven't had an accident or ticket in many many years (like 20) and yet I shell out a couple of grand a year. Why? Because of paying for other people's accidents.

The insurance companies have to figure out where the balance lies between the cost of doing business and the amount of money people will pay. It's imperfect, but at least we can see a pretty good specialist without waiting for a year like in the socialized countries.

Here, take one of these Canadian prozacs and calm down. :biggrin:


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
I look at insurance as the commercial sector running a social program.

I think they do it a lot better than the government could, and because it's a social program that is necessary, people are willing to pay into it.


Football addict
When is someone going to start cracking down on insurance companies. It's like they are untouchable right now. :burning: