Ground Meat Recall AGAIN


New Member
I got some ground beef at BJ's about 3 weks later I got a letter in themail saying I shouldnt eat it. By that time it was a little late. I didnt get sick though. If you cook the meat well I dont think you need worry.


Ubi bene ibi patria
Your link is broked.

I'm sick of them recalling this meat. The bacteria is everywhere. If you buy ground meat and don't cook it enough (as directed on the package) it's your fault.

If you want a rare burger, grind it yourself. If you buy pre-ground meat, eat it rare, and get sick, consider it getting what you paid for.

MMDad is right, cook it well and you shouldn't have any problems.

The MSNBC link IS broke but the story is still around.......
Wisconsin company recalls beef products -


I just came from shopping at McKays in Charlotte Hall and their ground meat is off the shelves. I dont know if it is because of the recall or there is no butcher working. Then again, you never know about McKays anyway.