Ground Work websites..



I need to start doing some ground work with my Ashton man for bonding purposes. Anyone have some good websites where some exercise are listed?

We lunge, and he is a WONDERFUL lunger!!!


Rocky Mountain High!! doesn't lunge to bond :lol:
do a search on Round Pen reasoning, Parelli natural horsemanship, or Clinton Anderson. you'll see lots of ground work if you go to the expo too.


Horse Poor
Katie said:
I need to start doing some ground work with my Ashton man for bonding purposes. Anyone have some good websites where some exercise are listed?

We lunge, and he is a WONDERFUL lunger!!!

Best thing to do, to bond with him is spend time being around him,watch him, groom him, ask him to step away, back, sidepass as you groom etc. Get to know each other...It will help alot in the end. But the more he trust you and the more desensitized he is the easier he will be to handle in scarry situations.
If you have RFD-TV watch some of thier programs on training etc. Good Luck


I don't agree with the "one doesn't bond with lunging" comment...when you lunge a horse they have to keep their inside eye on you at all times- to listen and pay attention, plus you are working on voice commands/body language with horse and rider. Maybe bonding is not the "right" term. Pat P uses the "cirlce game"- a form of lunging and if done correcty the horse is listening well to its rider and the body language.

I also have never side passed while grooming, I was always taught that a horse should stand still while grooming, whether tying to the wall or cross ties. If he doesn't understand, he will think that everytime I brush or curry in that area- that means sidepass? Please explain.


Katie said:
I need to start doing some ground work with my Ashton man for bonding purposes. Anyone have some good websites where some exercise are listed?

We lunge, and he is a WONDERFUL lunger!!!

Last night we played follow the leader. He walks behind me like a puppy dog.

I think some of it is my nerves to when I have a bad day. I know that when I am aggravated at life I should spend a long time grooming first rather than hop right on his back.

Last night was a MUCH better night because I groomed a long time, and stretched on his back. I also did lunge so he could work out his silliness. Made for a much better ride!


Rocky Mountain High!!
i would say lunge for respect, and control. i only lunge at a slow gait, and do it to establish direction, and voice/body commands. i mostly use a "C" pattern and usually end up at a walk forward when doing it, moving the horse forward in front of me, as well. the "c" pattern is really good for desensitizing a horse to things he may be afraid of, lunging him between myself and the object, like the stream on our farm, or a tractor implement, until he needs a rest, and resting near the object, or in the water.

As Clinton says, if you're riding and end up ON the ground, you haven't spent enough time working FROM the ground before you got on, i speak from experience here as Paso/Mingiz can attest. :lol: I've also learned, NEVER believe what someone else tells you a horse can/will or will not do. Trust but verify :biggrin:

i definately 'bond' using grooming time (not lunging), once they stand tied quietly. and i also make them move around, sometimes sidepass, sometimes back, and sometimes move the feet to stand more square or camp out. i have found the fine movement directional instructions when grooming are a good thing for the babies, especially the ones i may (someday) show in hand.
what i don't use lunging for is to wear them out before i ride. mostly, when i lunge it's a groundwork lesson time, not a riding time. i do lunge with very noisy tack if one isn't used to tack, or too young to ride.
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Thanks for explaining...That makes more sense...Doesn't sound like Katie was trying to "wear" her horse out, just use a different tool to help her and her horse out. Go Katie! Sometimes very English people calling ground work- lunging. Sorry...I understood.