Grown Women Don’t Read Twilight


PREMO Member
Grown Women Don’t Read Twilight: Here’s an Alternative (That Just Might Save America)

Women rush from one triviality to the next, consume gossip and trash, then wonder why America is falling apart. Time to put your brain on a diet.​

So last week I ragged on guys for reading comic books and playing video games and consuming instead of creating and basically committing slo-mo suicide in a miasma of onanistic escapism.

I just know lots of female readers were going, “Right on! I am so forwarding this to my husband!!” — then they got to the last line of my article, about how I was going to rake Today’s Woman over the coals next.

Trouble is: the ladies who need to read this article aren’t on the internet right now; they’re at a “spa,” trying to decide between the “Brazilian” and the “Californian.”

Or if they are on the web, they’re at another site reading about Kim’s baby, or inhaling Harry Potter fan-fic, or uploading topless pix of themselves.

PJ Media’s female readers are presumably politically engaged, well-informed and — just a guess — not too skanky.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
My (not so) secret is that I have disdain for adult women who read a lot of teenager books. Yes, I'm talking to you, Twilight fans. Still shopping in the Juniors section, too?

I also think women who read those 50 Shades books need to find a guy so they can actually have torrid sex instead of just reading about it. And when a married woman says she reads them I look at her husband and think, yeah dude, ask your doctor if Cialis is right for you.

Sorry. :shrug:


My (not so) secret is that I have disdain for adult women who read a lot of teenager books. Yes, I'm talking to you, Twilight fans. Still shopping in the Juniors section, too?

I also think women who read those 50 Shades books need to find a guy so they can actually have torrid sex instead of just reading about it. And when a married woman says she reads them I look at her husband and think, yeah dude, ask your doctor if Cialis is right for you.

Sorry. :shrug:

:yeahthat: well put!


..if momma ain't happy...
So, the article says to read Jane Austin. No thanks.

Any reading suggestions for we adults? Is Nicholas Sparks acceptable?


I believe in equal opportunity reading. Even if the book sucks.

I just finished Memory of Light.
I just started Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret.
After that it's The Secret of Wildcat Swamp.


New Member
But...but..... I've read the Twilight series....and Harry Potter....and Hunger Games.....and 50 Shades....:ohwell:

In my own defense, once a book goes wicked viral, I read it to see what all the fuss is about. I do an awful lot of reading, though, and it's certainly not limited to any particular genre.

And I've read plenty of Jane Austin....and Nicholas Sparks....

What does it all mean?! Someone please analyze me and tell me what I've done to contribute to the destruction of the world....:cds:


New Member
I'm just kidding about that last part, btw. Please don't really waste your time analyzing what it all means. I'm just making fun of the things people pick at and the blanket reasoning for what's wrong with our society.


Lem Putt
I figure that on average the people who visit this forum are more literate than average, yet look at how illiterate so many people are.

Way too many people just don't read anything. Rather than criticize those who read trash, we should just be happy they read at all. Not everyone wants to read the classics.

It's like saying I have poor taste in music since I can't stand opera.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
My (not so) secret is that I have disdain for adult women who read a lot of teenager books. Yes, I'm talking to you, Twilight fans. Still shopping in the Juniors section, too?

I also think women who read those 50 Shades books need to find a guy so they can actually have torrid sex instead of just reading about it. And when a married woman says she reads them I look at her husband and think, yeah dude, ask your doctor if Cialis is right for you.

Sorry. :shrug:


Edit: That would include Harlequin Romance & other similar "heaving bosom" novels.
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Board Mommy
PREMO Member
It's like saying I have poor taste in music since I can't stand opera.
It's more like saying you have poor taste in music since all you ever listen to is Justin Bieber, Taylor Swift, and Kelly Clarkson.

But that's just my opinion. Ya'll are certainly free to read whatever you want and don't need my approval (although you should).


..if momma ain't happy...
It's more like saying you have poor taste in music since all you ever listen to is Justin Bieber, Taylor Swift, and Kelly Clarkson.

But that's just my opinion. Ya'll are certainly free to read whatever you want and don't need my approval (although you should).

So, expand my horizons. Suggestions? :tap:

I read (past tense) YA to see what my children and their friends were reading. They were generally quick, easy reads, and sometimes interesting.

Harry Potter got me when the 4th grade teacher was reading them outloud in class and my child wasn't following it, so we started reading it outloud at home so he could ask questions when he needed. I was hooked, and enjoyed reading (devouring?) them.

I was studiously ignoring all the suggestions that I read the Twilight series. Vampires? No thanks. SIL, neighbor, co-workers, customers - nope, not gonna do it.

Then NetFlix said "We think you'd LOVE Twilight!" *&(%$%@!, just send it to me, I'll watch it.

Once again, hooked.

The idea of such a love, that you (and that would be THE MAN) would put yourself through such misery because the love is sooooooooo strong - sorry, I just couldn't resist.

Went to the library the next day and rented all the books.

Horrible. The writing was HORRIBLE! First time I can honestly say the films are far superior to the books. But, I read them all, as they got progressively weirder. And watch the movies, as they continue to stand above the books. I still think the story idea had real potential, but...

All that being said, I read for pleasure and entertainment. Everyone else can be glued to the TV and I'm in my corner with a book. I did not enjoy reading about a poly cult in Utah, a dead girl telling her story, or The Shack (I didn't even get very far in that one, and I never start a book and don't finish).

I LOVED all the Dan Brown books, the twists in them! (Digital Fortress*****<----that's 5 stars) I like the Nicholas Sparks for a good cry, and Nora Roberts, particularly the newer ones, can get me laughing out loud - the woman tells a good story! Her Chesapeake series is wonderful. Rosamond Piltcher, The Shell Seekers - best life history fictional novel ever written. Ever. (Her other stuff is trash, but that ONE...).

So, with cold dark days upon us, and a torn rotator cuff that makes activity not enjoyable for me, let's hear some recommendations. Just remember, I still read physical books, and don't like to buy fiction, so it's got to be able to be rented from the library. And I'm learning to set them down - generally it's "No I can't make dinner, I'm reading!", but I'm getting better at stopping, getting some work done, then going back.


On another note, I wish the library were still open on Sunday. :smack:

And on another note, my IPod includes most of the Windham Hill collection, Terry Jacks, Nitty Gritty Dirt Band, Tantric, Avett Brothers, anything Christmas (which I personally listen to year round), Linkin Park, America, and everything in between. And I'll add anything suggested to me there, too. :howdy:


..if momma ain't happy...
It's more like saying you have poor taste in music since all you ever listen to is Justin Bieber, Taylor Swift, and Kelly Clarkson.
But that's just my opinion. Ya'll are certainly free to read whatever you want and don't need my approval (although you should).

Just realized NONE of those are on my IPod, does that make me a snob?

Guess I better go get some. Any recommendations on which albums to choose?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
So, expand my horizons. Suggestions?

You're not going to enjoy anything that I read. The last five books I read, starting with most recent:

Donnie Brasco
The Black Box
The Magnificent Ambersons
Beard on Food
The Last Man

Not a bodice ripper in the bunch. :ohwell:


..if momma ain't happy...
I've never read Vince Flynn, but have liked all of the John Grisham I've read. Think I'll give him a try.

Baldacci and Connelly are also good.
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Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I've never read Vince Flynn, but have liked all of the John Grisham I've read. Think I'll give him a try.

Baldacci and Connelly are also good.

Like I said, read what you want. You don't have to pay any attention to my opinion. If you want to look like an intellectual lightweight casserole queen who still buys her clothes from Old Navy in an effort to recapture her fading youth, you go right ahead. :yay:

:lol: I'm kidding. :huggy:


aka Mrs. Giant
Actually, the writer of the article had a point, but she lost it. Lost it quite a bit actually. And a few times, proved that she had no clue what she was even kvitching about. That's a shame. Which made you all lose the point of the article as well.

The point is act like a parent, not a friend, and supervise what your kids are involved with, from music to tv to friends, and push them into the right direction by setting a good example.

Since I don't have any little hellions to helicopter parent, I'm going to straight up say I read anything and everything that crosses my path. Then I form a judgement.

Twilight books, meh not so much. The movies, I actually stupidly enjoy. Mindless entertainment can be fun. That's why I love Jason Statham. :drool:

The Hunger Games, I resisted reading, but you know what, once I started I could not stop. Awesome books. Really. You all should read them and encourage your kids to do so. A revolution against a repressive society lead by an empowered female. Imagine that.

I actually believe people are multi-facted and can enjoy some mindless entertainment and some cerebral enterainment as well. I know I do.

Personally, it doesn't matter to me if you shop at Old Navy. Maybe that's all you can afford. I don't giving a flying rip what you read or don't. I don't give a flying rip that you are listening to "Kill Die Kill Rape Kill Die Kill Rape" on the radio. I don't care that you are playing COD and trash talking. I don't care that you are planning to watch "Bullet to the Head" in the movie theater.

But I do agree, you should be parenting and not making some oblivious motions of going through your kid's life. You cannot be their friend, until they are grown and on their own. You are the parent.


New Member
Actually, the writer of the article had a point, but she lost it. Lost it quite a bit actually. And a few times, proved that she had no clue what she was even kvitching about. That's a shame. Which made you all lose the point of the article as well.

The point is act like a parent, not a friend, and supervise what your kids are involved with, from music to tv to friends, and push them into the right direction by setting a good example.

Since I don't have any little hellions to helicopter parent, I'm going to straight up say I read anything and everything that crosses my path. Then I form a judgement.

Twilight books, meh not so much. The movies, I actually stupidly enjoy. Mindless entertainment can be fun. That's why I love Jason Statham. :drool:

The Hunger Games, I resisted reading, but you know what, once I started I could not stop. Awesome books. Really. You all should read them and encourage your kids to do so. A revolution against a repressive society lead by an empowered female. Imagine that.

I actually believe people are multi-facted and can enjoy some mindless entertainment and some cerebral enterainment as well. I know I do.

Personally, it doesn't matter to me if you shop at Old Navy. Maybe that's all you can afford. I don't giving a flying rip what you read or don't. I don't give a flying rip that you are listening to "Kill Die Kill Rape Kill Die Kill Rape" on the radio. I don't care that you are playing COD and trash talking. I don't care that you are planning to watch "Bullet to the Head" in the movie theater.

But I do agree, you should be parenting and not making some oblivious motions of going through your kid's life. You cannot be their friend, until they are grown and on their own. You are the parent.

Ahh something to think about at work today. Thank you. Handsome Rob/Lee Christmas..... :smoochy: