


I am normally the sweetest mother on earth when it comes to my kids but my teenager has spun me in to a dimention of pissed off I haven't been into in a looooooong time!

I left him simple instructions that I was expecting an important package from FedEx and I asked him to please listen for the dogs to bark and for someone to knock on the door that I was getting into the shower.

So I get out of the shower and I hear the dogs bark and I think boy that was timing. So I go to the door and it's the UPS guy, he says ooops looks like you missed the FedEx guy and peels a sticker off the door. My blood pressure sky rockets!

WHY in God's name can't this child do one thing he's told without screwing it up in one form or fashion????? :burning: :banghead:


New Member
I am normally the sweetest mother on earth when it comes to my kids but my teenager has spun me in to a dimention of pissed off I haven't been into in a looooooong time!

I left him simple instructions that I was expecting an important package from FedEx and I asked him to please listen for the dogs to bark and for someone to knock on the door that I was getting into the shower.

So I get out of the shower and I hear the dogs bark and I think boy that was timing. So I go to the door and it's the UPS guy, he says ooops looks like you missed the FedEx guy and peels a sticker off the door. My blood pressure sky rockets!

WHY in God's name can't this child do one thing he's told without screwing it up in one form or fashion????? :burning: :banghead:

answer in bold above...good luck with that, good news is it's not fatal, they come out of it, usually in 3-5 years depending on when symptoms first occur.:lmao:


How long is he punished for?

Well since he had his happy azz locked in his room with the door shut the computer and tv going and didn't hear anything, then his room will soon be devoid of all distractions and I am tempted to take the damn door off it's hinges!!!!

What gets me is I spoil him rotten, he has all the gadgets and electronic toys a teenager could dream of having and he can't do one simple thing for me.

This is the official end of his FREE RIDE!!!

White Buddah

Well since he had his happy azz locked in his room with the door shut the computer and tv going and didn't hear anything, then his room will soon be devoid of all distractions and I am tempted to take the damn door off it's hinges!!!!

What gets me is I spoil him rotten, he has all the gadgets and electronic toys a teenager could dream of having and he can't do one simple thing for me.

This is the official end of his FREE RIDE!!!
You said what I was going to ask. No more free rides mister. You are going to have to earn whatever the h*ll you get.


I miss my son. I just called the girl's name the boy's name :frown:

Just remember tha they are as imperfect as we are. Sorry that happened.... he'll learn. :huggy: