
Larry Gude

Strung Out
Ain't that some stuff???

BuddyLee said:

Well, first off, that is the most active tread I've ever seen; over 1,000 posts in the first 24 hours. Clinton really hit the nerve for a lot of people.

The interest in the Redskins is, obviously, huge and losing wears on people because they feel like they've invested all this time and money and, damn it, they want to know what's going on! Gibbs exacerbates this tension with the way he handles the media. So, those two givens; fan displeasure and Gibbs personality, are bound to make something give. Not every player can just toe the company line endlessly.

So, Clinton being Clinton, lets it all hang out. I think it was a great interview as Al and Doc just kept working Portis and he kept talking. To me, it served as this great pressure relief valve and now fans have some of what they want; some of the inside scoop, some red meat.

So we hear;

The team is dysfunctional to the players in that they just don't know how it's all supposed to work.

The players know that all this core Redskins stuff is so much baloney.

Lloyd is not someone you want on your team.

Archuletta is not to blame and he's handled it like a pro.

Portis feels the competition from Betts.

Dockery is a power guy, Thomas a mobile guy, so there's an inherent clash personnel wise with a Gibbs running style vs. Saunders.

No one speaks up out of fear and only Clinton speaks his mind.

Portis was not an English or public speaking major at the U.

And so on.

Denver didn't just let Portis go because they loved everything about him so, if Gibbs is unhappy about all this talking out of school, well, it's yet one more personnel decision that he maybe didn't think through so wisely.

If we get off to a fast start next season, all will be well. If we hit a tough spot or start slow, it could become a bigger mess than this year.