Guess that crackpot lady gets her wish


New Member
Military: 2,000 Dead an Artificial Mark
By Associated Press
1 hour ago

BAGHDAD, Iraq - As U.S. military deaths in Iraq approached 2,000 on Tuesday, the chief spokesman for the American-led multinational force called on reporters covering the conflict not to look at the event as a milestone.

U.S. Army Lt. Col. Steve Boylan, director of the force's combined press center, described the number as an "artificial mark on the wall."

"I ask that when you report on the events, take a moment to think about the effects on the families and those serving in Iraq," Boylan said in an e-mail. "The 2,000 service members killed in Iraq supporting Operation Iraqi Freedom is not a milestone. It is an artificial mark on the wall set by individuals or groups with specific agendas and ulterior motives."

The U.S. military on Tuesday announced the deaths of two Marines killed in fighting with insurgents last week in Baghdad. Their deaths raised to 1,999 the number of members of the U.S. military killed since the war started in March 2003, according to an AP count.

"The 2,000th Soldier, Sailor, Airman, or Marine that is killed in action is just as important as the first that died and will be just as important as the last to die in this war against terrorism and to ensure freedom for a people who have not known freedom in over two generations," Boylan wrote.

He complained that the true milestones of the war were "rarely covered or discussed," and said they included the troops who had volunteered to serve, the families of those that have been deployed for a year or more, and the Iraqis who have sought at great risk to restore normalcy to their country.

Boylan said they included Iraqis who sought to join the security forces and had became daily targets for insurgent attacks at recruiting centers, those who turned out to vote in the constitutional referendum, and those who chose to risk their lives by joining the government.

"Celebrate the daily milestones, the accomplishments they have secured and look to the future of a free and democratic Iraq and to the day that all of our troops return home to the heroes welcome they deserve," Boylan wrote.


This Space for Rent
Its sad that there are people getting wet over the death toll hitting 2,000. It is disgusting.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Racingwolf said:
Does that make the 2000 less important? :confused: just means 398,000 more died during WWII than now. If 2,000 is disgusting, then, ostensibly, 398,000 is, well, you speak for yourself.

What is it?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Racingwolf said:
What's disgusting is that there are 2000 dead soldiers.
I'll bet you'd REALLY be pissed if you saw how many people died in car accidents last year.


New Member
vraiblonde said:
I'll bet you'd REALLY be pissed if you saw how many people died in car accidents last year.

Its always upsetting when soldiers die regardless of the number of casulties but as long as there are crackpots in the world like Suddam and Bin Ladin, war is always at some time or another going to be necessary.

And if were talking numbers.....what about those lost during 9/11 that did not SIGN UP for the possibility of their lives being taken?


vraiblonde said:
I'll bet you'd REALLY be pissed if you saw how many people died in car accidents last year.
Found this:

Estimated 42,643 people died in traffic crashed in the US 2003 (Traffic Safety Facts, National Center for Statistics and Analysis, NHTSA, 2003)

But you don't see them putting this on the front page. Every paper I saw this morning had the 2,000 soldiers killed story on the front page in one form or another.


This Space for Rent
So, I have heard it said that 2,000 soldiers lives were not worth removing Saddam. Sure he is bad, but we are talking 2,000 soldiers here.

As Larry said above, were 400,000 soldiers worth removing Hitler? That is a multiple of 200 over now. That means Hitler had to be over 200 times more "evil" than Saddam. Actually, people were screaming at 1,000. Heck, many were screaming from the first few hundred. That means Hitler would have to be proportionally 400-1,000 times more "evil" to justify those numbers based on the numbers game the anti-war types want to play today.
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New Member
FromTexas said:
So, I have heard it said that 2,000 soldiers lives were not worth removing Saddam. Sure he is bad, but we are talking 2,000 soldiers here.

As Larry said above, were 400,000 soldiers worth removing Hitler? That is a multiple of 200 over now. That means Hitler had to be over 200 times more "evil" than Saddam. Actually, people were screaming at 1,000. Heck, many were screaming from the first few hundred. That means Hitler would have to be proportionally 400-1,000 times more "evil" to justify those numbers based on the numbers game the anti-war types want to play today.

Its not a question of worth, its a question of doing what had to be done. Its not like these soldiers were drafted. I do feel sorry for them but lets face it, they signed up on their own free will. They knew there was a chance they would go to war at any given moment, they also knew if that happened, they could possibly die! You don't get to sign up for the military, take advantage of the college education that you get should you seek it and all the benefits that come along with it and then say "oh wait a minute, I don't think I should go to war because I may die!" They knew that was a risk and they are hero's because of it. As I said before, if you were able to ask them if they would do it all over again, I bet they would all say hell yeah!

I guess that we should have never reacted after Bin Ladin and that removing Saddam is not a good thing right? So when they destroyed us and everyone around them little by little, I guess that is ok?

Also, by people saying that those soldiers dying is "not worth it" you are basically saying they died in vain rather than they died for a great cause and for your freedom. If you don't want to be free of terror and terrorists then you know what? Nothing is holding you here and I hear that plane tickets to Iraq come pretty cheap these days.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member

If you had a choice as to how you would die, would you choose:

A. Freeing a country from their murderous dictator OR
B. Racing to get to work on time

Take your time and think about it. :bubble:


New Member
Vince said:
Found this:

Estimated 42,643 people died in traffic crashed in the US 2003 (Traffic Safety Facts, National Center for Statistics and Analysis, NHTSA, 2003)

But you don't see them putting this on the front page. Every paper I saw this morning had the 2,000 soldiers killed story on the front page in one form or another.

hmmm those 42000 people died in their own country, not is some back ass place we shouldnt have been in to start with. It is a big thing when 2000 soldiers die for ANY reason. Your right, more died here in 9/11 than that, but as i seem to recall, it was Bin Laden who planned that, not Saddam. It is also Bin Laden that is still running free and planning his next attack while we toil away in Iraq loosing good soldiers everyday!!!


Racingwolf said:
hmmm those 42000 people died in their own country, not is some back ass place we shouldnt have been in to start with. It is a big thing when 2000 soldiers die for ANY reason. Your right, more died here in 9/11 than that, but as i seem to recall, it was Bin Laden who planned that, not Saddam. It is also Bin Laden that is still running free and planning his next attack while we toil away in Iraq loosing good soldiers everyday!!!
What does it matter that they died in their own country. Point is, I don't see the media making a big deal out of that, but they damn sure want to make a big deal out of the death toll in wartime hitting the 2000 mark. War is something to be avoided, but if you have to fight I can't think of a better reason than for your country, and protecting those you care about against terrorism. I think it should be mandatory that everyone is this country that is healthly, mentally and physically, should do some time in the military. Right out of High School do at least 2 years and then to college.


Working for the weekend
[while we toil away in Iraq loosing good soldiers everyday!!![/QUOTE]

Yes, we are in fact losing good soldiers. But whatever yours or mine or anyone else's thoughts are about the war, those good soldiers volunteered for this. My stepson is one of them, he is "over there" now. It is very hard, I am addicted to the news, and check my e-mail hundreds of times a day to see if he is okay. He is in the Army National Guard. He went to his commanding officer and volunteered to go. He feels he is doing the right thing, as with most of the soldiers "over there". Remember that before you speak for any soldier.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
vraiblonde said:
If you had a choice as to how you would die, would you choose:

A. Freeing a country from their murderous dictator OR
B. Racing to get to work on time

Take your time and think about it.
Yoo hoo! Racingwolf? Still thinking about it?

Larry Gude

Strung Out

we shouldnt have been in to start with

You bring up a good point.

So, of the 400,000 US dead in WWII, mostly draftees, which ones died in a place we should have been in and which ones didn't?


New Member
Racingwolf said:
hmmm those 42000 people died in their own country, not is some back ass place we shouldnt have been in to start with. It is a big thing when 2000 soldiers die for ANY reason. Your right, more died here in 9/11 than that, but as i seem to recall, it was Bin Laden who planned that, not Saddam. It is also Bin Laden that is still running free and planning his next attack while we toil away in Iraq loosing good soldiers everyday!!!

Oh I get it, if they had died here they would have been better off right? So we should have not gone after Sudam and waited until we could fight a war on our own soil putting ALL of the American people (including you) at risk? Yeah that makes sense!

I believe plenty of people died on their own soil during 9/11 and I bet their families feel just as bad as the ones who died during this war. And it is SO rare to hear a family member complaining about this war even when it has taken one of their own. Most say how proud they were of their loved one, and how they loved serving their country, hardly any of them gripe although I am sure their pain runs very deep. Its only a few crackpots that think tying themselves to a ranch somewhere will get them recognition. Her son is probably rolling over in his grave!