Guess Who's Saying Rove is Innocent???



The mainstream media!!! Check out the link below. It's for an Amicus brief that was prepared by... get this... among others ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, AP, Newsweek, Reuters America, the Washington Post, the Tribune Company (Los Angeles Times and the Baltimore Sun), and the White House Correspondents Assoc.!

They go into a great amount of detail as to how it is very unlikely that a crime has been committed. Of course this brief was prepared BEFORE the press knew the source was Rove. :cheers:

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
Bruzilla said:
The mainstream media!!! Check out the link below. It's for an Amicus brief that was prepared by... get this... among others ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, AP, Newsweek, Reuters America, the Washington Post, the Tribune Company (Los Angeles Times and the Baltimore Sun), and the White House Correspondents Assoc.!

They go into a great amount of detail as to how it is very unlikely that a crime has been committed. Of course this brief was prepared BEFORE the press knew the source was Rove. :cheers:
I trust the mainstream media as far as I trust a pedophile in a daycare. :lmao:


This Space for Rent
NEW YORK As Judith Miller of The New York Times approaches the end of her second week in a Virginia jail, reports from behind bars reveal she is enduring stomach problems from jail food. She is also sharing a cell unit that had originally been designed to house just one person. Because of that, Miller had been forced to sleep on a mattress on the floor for a few days but now has her own bed.

"It has definitely dawned on her that this is really jail -- it is certainly no summer camp," Times Executive Editor Bill Keller told E&P Monday. "The food has not agreed with her and we have been trying to impress on her that she needs to eat. We have been hammering that in."

Poor lil' baby. Its so rough. :rolleyes:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Dear Judith Miller,

Give up your source so you can go home. Quit being stupid.

Someone who (sort of) cares


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
She's probably doing this on purpose anyway because she knows the second she gives it up, her name will be out of the news and nobody will give a crap. So she's keeping up with this stupidity for publicity.


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
Bush said straight up today that anyone in his administration who committed a crime will be fired.


New Member
I still don't understand why she is in jail yet Novak runs free. Isn't HE the only one that NAMED Plame? ####ing retarded.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Bogart said:
I still don't understand why she is in jail yet Novak runs free. Isn't HE the only one that NAMED Plame? ####ing retarded.
Apparently she didn't even write a story that mentioned Plame's name but she was subpoenaed anyway, so I can't figure out her role in this at all. I have a sneaking suspicion that she HAS no source and is just some attention-whore who wants to BE the story rather than REPORT the story.


Super Genius
sleuth said:
Bush said straight up today that anyone in his administration who committed a crime will be fired.
Not quite...he said anybody convicted of a crime will be fired. It's a small, but important technicality.


Football season!
ylexot said:
Not quite...he said anybody convicted of a crime will be fired. It's a small, but important technicality.
"If someone committed a crime, they will no longer work in my administration," Bush told reporters



Super Genius
SmallTown said:
"If someone committed a crime, they will no longer work in my administration," Bush told reporters

Ok, I was wrong. I could have sworn that's what the title of the article I didn't read said.

Of course, there is that whole "innocent until proven guilty" thing in this country... Maybe we should throw that out for Rove :sarcasm:


Looks like it's all over now. The only part of the issue that was unresolved was the five-year requirement for covert service, and it was reported today that Wilson's wife's last "covert" assignment was in 1997.


Bogart said:
I still don't understand why she is in jail yet Novak runs free. Isn't HE the only one that NAMED Plame? ####ing retarded.

According to an article in Newsweek, there's history between Miller and the special prosecutor. She was jailed for failure to comply with a court order to appear before the Grand Jury and testify about a conversation or conversations she had with sources regarding. Fitzgerald apparently is wary of reporters dating back to the days when he was trying terrorists. He was really protective of sensitive information relating to national security only to see it in the newspapers later. Judith Miller was one of the "annoying offenders". And there was more history when he tried to have some of her phone records subpoenaed and a judge shot him down. Payback maybe? I think the whole thing is fascinating and I'll bet it's not over by a long shot. .