Prior to buying this game, I had been hearing alot of mixed reviews, some raved about it while others were trashing it. This games original intention was to be the WoW killer. It was released without much fanfare and even the official Sigil website never actually announced the release date. Many players were shocked that it had released alot earlier than originally planned (3 months early in fact). After playing it for a short time I could see why. It was obvious Sony must have stuck their nose in it and forced this games release early.
It was easy to see early on that this game was not finished. There were a few quests which were bugged to a point that they could not be finished. One crafting quest supplied the wrong recipe for an item you need to craft for them and there was no outlet to acquire the correct recipe. A few small patches were released early on which fixed these, but the fact they were there illustrates the games incomplete state at release. The UI has some action bars that you can optionally turn on but they are obscured by other parts of the UI. One bar had 2 buttons completly hidden behind some of the other elements of the UI. While the graphics are pretty nice, especially for an MMO, it is apparent that the code still needs to be optimized further. My system has 1.5GB RAM and 512MB on the video, RAM usage hovers between 80-90%. I've noticed alot of lag in certain areas and not necessarily heavily populated ones. My assumption on this is that your actually on the edge of a zone and the game doesn't know which server to flip you to.
Moving past the bugs, the game overall has potential. It is an instance free game where the mob population in key areas seems to be large enough to sustain a large player base. There are 3 areas to level your character in, which Vanguard refers to as spheres. The spheres are adventuring, crafting, and diplomacy. Adventuring is your standard hack and slash quest running. Battles were enjoyable although I found the MOB population in some areas to be a little extreme. One disappointment I've noticed so far could be a lack of my knowledge of the game. It appears there is no way to heal in battle short of having a healing class. The lack of a healing pot adds a level of difficulty to the game that in some areas is refreshing. Of course with the density of MOBs and some of their huge pathing areas this can also be frustating. The no-instance approach to questing is a challenge. Wiping definitely will cost a significant penalty and not just xp, especially for those without soulbound gear. I ran with a small group this past weekend where we did end up wiping once. I was the lone player who had soulbound all of my weapons and armor. Our ranger had to run basically naked behind the rest of us (no weapons or armor). The necromancer while in the same boat as the ranger was not effected as badly because being a non-melee class , he could just hang back and cast while sending his pet in. Respawn rates are extremely fast in the quest zone and we ended up fighting our way all the back to our corpses as if starting over. While somewhat frustating, it was not a game killer as we were able to easily bypass some areas we had gone through earlier because of quest requirements. The more annoying issue was the limited bag space, which really reared its ugly head when we arrived at our corpses. I ended up dumping some of the lower value items I had picked up on the way in favor of the rarer drops that were still attached to my corpse. The wipe definitely forced you to carefully plan out your progression throughout the entire dungeon. Battles became progressively harder the further into the dungeon you proceeded. The dungeons do seem expansive and I question whether there are not quests which send you back to the same one several times, going a little deeper in each time. I found that once we had completed our final quest we had for that dungeon, we could realistically not proceed much further in. The encounters ramped up to a level that was obviously well beyond our small groups capabilities or most others that would be attempting the quests we were on. In fact we actually wiped a second time when we decided to just go for the second boss we encountered. He made quick work of us with the added help of his minions that pull with him. At that point we just summoned our corpses and parted ways. It was a fun run and interesting to see how the classes could work together in a group.
Death transports you to the nearest altar. Level 1-6 offers no penalty for death. Starting at level 7 you ressurect at the altar minus anything you were carrying and xp, in a similar fashion to Everquest (so I'm told as I never played EQ). The difference (again so I've heard) is that any soulbound items will follow you to the altar if you have a mount and purchased a saddlebag this gear will also follow you. Most equipment (in fact all I've seen so far) is bindable. For 30c from a general goods vendor you can purchase a binding crystal with 10 charges. The crystal allows you to make bindable equipment soulbound eliminating the need for a recovery set of equipment. Of course this means you can't auction it off later but I'm use to vendoring my gear once I get better so I don't see this as a big deal. Retrieving your corpse will recapture some of the lost xp, however it is not the only option. You can elect to have your corpse summoned to the altar, you bear the full xp hit here which scales with your level. At level 10 I recapture about 1000 xp by doing the corpse run. This was a substantial amount of xp for this level. It is possible to die in the red, taking more xp than you have earned at your current level. When this happens you will retain your level but you will not earn any xp towards your level until the debt is repaid.
Character creation offers a large array of races and class combos. I believe there are about 15 different races. These include some of your standard fare along with some truly unique looking races. While the base face options seemed limited, the amount of customization you could do to each one was pretty impressive. The customization reminded me alot of Oblivion, where features could be tweaked to give an entirely different look. Your race plays a role in the game as not all races will be friendly with each other right off. You may receive quests which will require you to gain faction with a certain race before you can turn it in. For example, I received a quest to deleiver a sales offer to a bunker controlled by gnomes. My character is a cat like race who is not well liked by the gnomes. In order for me to deliver the offer I must grind faction with the gnomes. Having not attempted the faction grind yet, I cannot comment on it. I did find this an interesting twist on the game though.
Following LOTRO lead, the drop rates for quest items was not a grind fest. If it is a quest item it will drop at a realistic rate, so far the drop is about 100%. It makes sense that if a certain mobs have item A I should be able to get it every time.
Moving onto crafting and diplomacy, both involve little mini-game type interactions. Diplomacy has you interacting with key NPCs in order to gain money and/or buffs. Anyone in the town when the buff goes off receives it and it lasts for an hour. So far I've only seen a +25 to blacksmithing but there are supposedly several others. Diplomacy looks simialr to a card game where you play a certain actions in turn. Each action will adjust a points bar in your favor or your opponents. The goal of course is to have the most points by the last round.
Crafting has 3 avenues, which cover woodworking, metalsmithing, and tailoring. You can only specialize in one and you receive 2 harvesting skills to go along with it. Crafting involves having the components and going through certain steps in the crafting process. You start out with a set number of action points. Each step uses a certain number of points. Some steps provide two options, one low risk/cost and another higher risk/cost. Items have 4 levels of quality, the higher risk option raises the quality of the item. The goal is to raise the quality as high as possible without running out of action points before the process is finished. Unlike other implementations of crafting I have seen in MMOs, there is a chance of failure with a penalty to go with it. As an example, a recipe I tried for a new pick axe yielded me a lump of mis-shapen metal at the end. So not only was my copper ingot gone but all I had to show for it was vendor trash. Having the recipe does not gaurantee sucess. To earn extra items/cash you can pick up work orders. The work orders give you a recipe for a special requested item. The harvestable materials are supplied, you need to supply and crafting components. So other than hitting a crafting merchant no farming for materials is required. You earn xp in crafting/ diplomacy for any action that stretches your current talents.
At level 10 you can purchase a mount. This level requirement is not restricted to adventuring, as a level 10 craftsman could purchase a mount yet only be a level 7 with his character. The mount only offers a 40% speed increase which can be enhanced further with some added extras. Faster mounts become available at higher levels, but having it so early on was a nice change.
Overall the game is very complex and has alot of potential. Whether it will reach that potential is still up in the air. If you can overlook the bugs, it's pretty fun to play.
I posted screenshots from both games