Guild Wars


Undercover Geek
I've been playing Guild Wars off and on for the past few years (since Prophecies first came out). Currently, I'm fixated on GWEN [or EoTN/Eye of The North] - it's the first actual expansion for Guild Wars, where it requires you to have one of the other ones [at least one of the other games]. The thing I particularly like about Guild Wars is the intense storyline - something no other MMORPG has been able to offer me yet. Normally, it's just endless killing of ...stuff, and collecting..stuff... At least when you're playing Guild Wars, you can get "into" the story. =]


I've been playing Guild Wars off and on for the past few years (since Prophecies first came out). Currently, I'm fixated on GWEN [or EoTN/Eye of The North] - it's the first actual expansion for Guild Wars, where it requires you to have one of the other ones [at least one of the other games]. The thing I particularly like about Guild Wars is the intense storyline - something no other MMORPG has been able to offer me yet. Normally, it's just endless killing of ...stuff, and collecting..stuff... At least when you're playing Guild Wars, you can get "into" the story. =]

Yep ........ have you tried Dungeon Runners ? Nice mindless hack and slash


I've played several of the mmorpgs including Ultima Online, Anarachy Online, Asheron's Call 2, Star Wars Galaxies, Everquest 2, Lord of the Rings Online and World of Warcraft. Of those, the only ones I've played over a couple months are UO, SWG, and WOW.

I got a character to lvl 30 in Everquest 2, but the game became to group dependent and I got bored waiting around for other people . I played LOTRO for the first month. It is a good game, but not as polished as wow. I might go back to it soon though considering there is nothing new of worth coming to wow for the next year. I just don't really want to pay for two games.

I haven't really tried guild wars. From what I've read it doesn't really interest me though. I might look take a look at conan or tabula rasa when they comes out, but I dont have any really high hopes. So many games lately seem to take alot of shotcuts to get the game out the door so it can be painful getting through the first few months and still having the desire to play.


Active Member
I'm currently in the Beta for Tabula Rasa and I have to say I'm less than impressed with it. Control is a little clunky and truthfully it's just a poorly done FPS with a weak story (very boring :bigwhoop:). I was excited about it before I got into the beta. Now that I have experienced it, I can scratch that one off the list. Conan I still have some hope for as well as Warhammer.


New Member
I apped to be a beta tester for Conan, and keep getting emails from them....but afaik, no acceptance.

I just got done beta testing 9dragons....don't even think about getting that game. Absolutely horrible....I ended up not signing on after the first couple "patches."

Same thing with Pirates of the Burning Sea. Good concept....not good quality.