Gun Holster Bra


Lawful neutral
A gun holster that can attach to a bra on display at NRA convention | Mail Online

One company is making it easier for women to protect their closest assets.

Oklahoma-based company Flashbang Holsters showed off quite the provocative product: a gun holster that can attach to a bra in Houston for the annual NRA convention.

As advertised on the NRA's official website, this holster is 'designed to be attached to the middle of the bra and tucked under its under-wire.'


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Raisin cane
That looks like you'd have to reach up under your shirt to get it out - the grip is pointing down. That doesn't even look comfortable. I think it would be better if the grip was sticking up, barrel pointing down between your breasts, and that way you could easily reach into the top of your shirt and get it out faster. Maybe it depends on what type of top you are wearing?

Turtle neck? Maybe better to come in from the bottom of your shirt.
Summery, V-neck top or looser type blouse? Maybe better to get it from the top.


Well-Known Member
On the other hand, if you're a fairly big girl, it's absolutely hidden, even if not easily accessed.


Lawful neutral
I’d think there’d be a risk of accidental discharge with a bra holster. :shrug: