Guns don't kill people,Depression meds kill people


aka Mrs. Giant
Back before I was born, just about every major city had mental hospitals. One of many problems was anybody for any reason could pretty much be committed (parents committed their sexually active daughters, kids that had down's syndrome were locked up with psychopaths). Also there were a lot of things that happened in those mental hospitals that is just horrendous (medical experiments, forced hysterectomys, rapes, physical abuse). President Reagan signed some stuff in the early 80s that pretty much dried up funding for these places and it seems they all have pretty much shut down and disappeared.

The problem nowadays, is there are no mental institutions available to the average income or lower person. If you don't have big money you can't get treatment. If you get treatment it's drugs. Drugs nowadays seem to give more issues than the symptoms they are supposed to treat. :shrug:

I think if everybody wants to address shootings like this, they need to address the possibility of re-opening state run mental institutions.