Guy leaves note for cheater's boyfriend...


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
So he didn't know her well enough to know she had a boyfriend, but he did know her well enough to knock boots with her. Why is it his business if she has a boyfriend?

And what is it with these freaking nutters and their desperate need to be famous on the internet? Springer Syndrome.

I vote "both douches".


New Member
or possibly...the guy taped the note to his own toilet seat just to post it to reddit and this whole scenerio never even happened
She's a douche, too, but he's the bigger one. He got his feelings hurt so he has to leave a note for the girl's boyfriend? I don't understand that.

I don't think he's a bigger douche. I think he banged out some chick he just met and figured was single, only to find out in the morning that she has a boyfriend. He probably thought, "Dayum! Super slut...if she was my girl, I'd want to know she was out and gettin it in'. I mean, they're both just as 'slutty' but he's single, she's not. I don't know, it is pretty cheesy that he has a duct tape wallet :lol:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Upon brief further reflection, she may not be a douche at all. Perhaps her relationship with her boyfriend does not preclude other relationships. It's presumptuous of GldnUnicorn to assume that her boyfriend didn't know there was another rooster in the hen house.
Upon brief further reflection, she may not be a douche at all. Perhaps her relationship with her boyfriend does not preclude other relationships. It's presumptuous of GldnUnicorn to assume that her boyfriend didn't know there was another rooster in the hen house.
If that's true then nobody would be the douche. It would all be just a casual conversation via pillow talk and then toilet seat note.

Her, "Hey thanks for the bang bang bang last night, way different technique then my boyfriend." :banana:

One-night-stand-guy via note, "Invoking Bro Code. Just sayin'..." :shrug:

Boyfriend reads note turns to girl, "Did you remember to pick up coffee yesterday?" :yawn:


New Member
Never happened in real life - Convenient duct tape wallet?, under the toilet seat? really? The only action that guy ever got was in gym class from the class gay bully...

The only time SOs need to know if it is going to be a long term whoring.:coffee:
Upon brief further reflection, she may not be a douche at all. Perhaps her relationship with her boyfriend does not preclude other relationships. It's presumptuous of GldnUnicorn to assume that her boyfriend didn't know there was another rooster in the hen house.

Ahhh now there's a different angle.....hmmmm. They might actually be swingers where the chick gets to try it out first to make sure she's 'feelin it'...or maybe her boyfriend was taping it from the other room :jet:

Never happened in real life - Convenient duct tape wallet?, under the toilet seat? really? The only action that guy ever got was in gym class from the class gay bully...

The only time SOs need to know if it is going to be a long term whoring.:coffee:

Unfortunately, people do carry those stupid wallets around :lol:

And I totally disagree, what if said random one-night stands result in the herp or something else. Oh wait, that doesn't happen. That only happens with long term whoring :rolleyes:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
"Invoking Bro Code. Just sayin'..."

Hmmm.... Now you have me thinking more about this than I had intended.

In the unlikely event I drag some strange guy home from a bar and boink him, finding out the next morning that he has a steady girlfriend, would I try and tattle to her?

I'm thinking the answer is no. Doubtful I was thinking a relationship between he and I would develop, and her problem is not my problem (especially since I don't even know her or if indeed she even has a problem).


Salt Life
In the unlikely event I drag some strange guy home from a bar and boink him, finding out the next morning that he has a steady girlfriend, would I try and tattle to her?

I'm thinking the answer is no. Doubtful I was thinking a relationship between he and I would develop, and her problem is not my problem (especially since I don't even know her or if indeed she even has a problem).

Winner! Winner!

If you bang someone after knowing them 6 hours and find out they have a girlfriend/boyfriend, so what? You have no ties to the girl (or the guy). You have nothing invested and to snitch on them because you didn't do your own homework is pretty ridiculous. It also makes you look like a douche canoe. :yay:
Hmmm.... Now you have me thinking more about this than I had intended.

In the unlikely event I drag some strange guy home from a bar and boink him, finding out the next morning that he has a steady girlfriend, would I try and tattle to her?

I'm thinking the answer is no. Doubtful I was thinking a relationship between he and I would develop, and her problem is not my problem (especially since I don't even know her or if indeed she even has a problem).
To me the key word is "boyfriend". I am of the belief that if you consider a guy to be your "boyfriend" than you are assumed to be in a monogomous relationship. If you are in an "open" relationship with a guy than your guy is a "friend with benefits" and not your "boyfriend". So, if her morning pillow talk is "Hey, that was fun. BTW, lose my address because I already have a boyfriend" then I can see where the fling dude would feel the need to invoke "guy code" because I really believe that a guy who considers himeslf to be some chick's "boyfriend" thinks he's the only one banging her and would want to know if he wasn't.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Just like a guy. Gets down on his hands and knees, pen, paper, freaking duct tape (which seems to be the new thing to keep in your wallet along with condoms) and his cell phone to snap the pic but, does he bother to take one minute and clean the can while he's down there?



Larry Gude

Strung Out
To me the key word is "boyfriend". I am of the belief that if you consider a guy to be your "boyfriend" than you are assumed to be in a monogomous relationship. If you are in an "open" relationship with a guy than your guy is a "friend with benefits" and not your "boyfriend". So, if her morning pillow talk is "Hey, that was fun. BTW, lose my address because I already have a boyfriend" then I can see where the fling dude would feel the need to invoke "guy code" because I really believe that a guy who considers himeslf to be some chick's "boyfriend" thinks he's the only one banging her and would want to know if he wasn't.

How much of a cheater can she be if she told this flippin goof "Oh, by the way, I have a boyfriend..."

Kinda spills the beans, don't it? Pretty much indicates she's not real big on secrets, dontcha think???