GVF's rescue filly



We just recently rescued a 3-4 yr old cremello ASB filly.

There is a lady in MD who just fostered 3 rescue ASB mares and I rescued one of them, but sadly I just couldn't take all 3 (I took on the worst one as she needed the most immediate attention- got a friend to rescue one of the others). She took them in from a neighbor who was going to take them to the auction because he was moving and couldn't take them with him.

This filly could barley walk because she had a couple hoof abcesses after they cut off all her curled up 8-10 inches of hoof, she has no heel, and at the foster place was walking on frozen ground and rocks. I have now had her for about 2 weeks and she is sound again and getting her feet done tomorrow (fastest farrier could come).

She needs a good 300lbs on her. Her fuzzy coat helps hide how bad she really is. That is not dirt, but balled up chunks of dried manure. She is mess. Poor thing. She also may be pregnant (although I DO hope she isn't, but we will cross that bridge when we get to it). This will HOPEFULLY be a wonderful BEFORE/AFTER story in a couple of months. We will keep you posted. Poor girl needs a name also. Any suggestions?? I am leaning towards Chloe'.

Here are photos of her the day I went up to look at her: (she reminds me a LOT of my other ASB mare Ellie when I got her):


These are photos from the day we brought her home. You can see she is a TALL mare standing next to my 6'3" hubby. I have not sticked her, but she is about 16.1-2. She was a dirt ball and I added a photo also of the manure balls stuck all across her sides/belly. I have to cut them off being careful not to get her skin. They were so matted, it was hard to get them off without cutting her in the process. Got them off between cutting, shedding blade, and a warm water bath.

before pics:



2nd day home after the bath (You can really see how thin she is in the first photo):





laura+flare= gone
wow, i dont think i have every seen an asb in that color!!! You like the ones with pretty eyes, and interesting color, dont you gvf? I do like the name Chloe', it sounds cute for her. Why do you think she "might" be in foal, did the former owner have a stallion? I hope every thing turns out good with her, she is a cutie!!!


I love her wild,wild hair
She is beautiful despite being so thin. I rescued a thouroughbred for my first horse over thirty years ago. He was worse off than she looks. He ended up being the best horse I ever had. He is buried on my farm and not a day goes by that I don't think about him and all the fun I had trail riding him in God's country (Ridge) and then in Great Mills when I moved to my farm. Hey Mingiz, remember those days when you had Dusty and we would do the power lines and one time we got lost and couldn't find our way out of that maze of thick trees?


New Member
She looks super happy to be all cleaned up and at a nice home with you! Shes really cute.. thin.. but cute!! Is she well behaved on the ground?


Horse Poor
She is beautiful despite being so thin. I rescued a thouroughbred for my first horse over thirty years ago. He was worse off than she looks. He ended up being the best horse I ever had. He is buried on my farm and not a day goes by that I don't think about him and all the fun I had trail riding him in God's country (Ridge) and then in Great Mills when I moved to my farm. Hey Mingiz, remember those days when you had Dusty and we would do the power lines and one time we got lost and couldn't find our way out of that maze of thick trees?

:lmao: Yeap sure do. Those were the good ole days. We need to start doing that again once your fixed up and healthy again.

You can see a big difference in the mares looks and eyes. She knows she has been saved...:yahoo: She looks very happy at ther new home...Congrats..She will be awesome once she fills out...:yahoo:


Silence!!! I Kill You!!!
Unbelievable that someone would let a horse go like that...thank god that you are taking the time to literally get her back on her feet!


Thank you everyone :)

She was seen being covered by a stallion last fall. I think she got loose and the neighbors stallion got to her.... not sure... but that's the "possibility" of her being pregnant. She does have a little tummy so we will have her checked in a couple weeks.

She is very well beahved. I think she KNOWS she is in a much better place and therefore VERY appreciative of her new family :)

She had her feet done this past weekend and 3 abcesses were dug out. Things are going in the right direction hoof wise for her now thankfully.

still haven't 100% decided on a name yet... Chloe' is the front runner, but it is not def. Any more suggestions??


Update: I cannot BELIEVE how much weight she has put on in less than a months time (We picked her up Jan 26th). She is SO grateful and a sweetie pie. We had her palped and vet cannot tell if she is preggers or not. Vet could feel the right side of the uterus, but not the left. The Uterus felt big, but she could not tell if there was a fetus out of reach in the left horn, or possibly if she had asorbed/aborted and the left was still stretched out. We will recheck in a month or so, and watch for signs of heat otherwise.

Here are some updated photos of Chloe taken this morning in the snow:


Horse Poor
GVF she looks great..:yahoo:She has gained alot but that's a good thing.:popcorn: She has such as cute face....A Happy one!!!:yahoo:She knows her momma loves her....:love: