


I just moved here to the Waldorf area and I'm wondering are there any gymnastics clubs I can sign up my son for?


It's only life....
I just moved here to the Waldorf area and I'm wondering are there any gymnastics clubs I can sign up my son for?

There are two USAG clubs in Waldorf.

Elite on 925 Old Washington Road and Unique on Post Office Road. I do not think either has a competitive boys program but both offer class programs I believe. Is he just beginning?


New Member
Unique Sports Academy on Post Office Rd. Not sure about the competitive boys program but I just signed my 5 y/o son up for the beginning recreation class. We like it so far. I believe they have a website you could check out


But I afarid he is too old for gymnastics. He just turned 13. Will he be put in a level 1 class?
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It's only life....
hello anyone out there

Sorry, didnt see the post. Most gyms have level classes that are then broken up by ages. So they might have Level 1 5-8 year olds, 9-12 year olds, and 13 and up, so he shouldnt be with little kids. I can explain more if you want, I coached gym for years. I believe both gyms offer free trials too. He can try out a class at both gyms and decide if he likes it and then go from there. Unique also offers trampoline, he might like that.