H.R.45 - Blair Holt's Firearm Licensing Act


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PREMO Member
HR 45 — Gun Rights Licensing Test

Illinois congressman Bobby Rush, from Obama’s home state and with a voting record on gun ownership as bad as Obama’s, introduced a bill on the first day of the 111th Congress that shows what we can expect. If we don’t defeat this bill, and others expected to follow it, gun owners will lose guns and the industry will suffer harm beyond description.

Under HR 45, if you can’t pass a complex test written by the U.S. Attorney General (described in detail below), pay the tax, give up fingerprints and a biometric-capable photo of yourself (that can be turned into a digital facial-recognition number and used as a de facto national ID), every gun you own will become contraband and subject to confiscation, while you stand trial before imprisonment. You’d think Bobby, a former black panther, would know better.

Your rights will have an expiration date, and if you screw up and miss it, you’ll be in the same mess as people who can’t pass the test. Can you say “unconstitutional”? Do you think these “gun bigots” care?

Now that the Supreme Court has made it clear in the Heller case that government can’t ban guns, the Brady’s have stopped saying they want to ban guns. So the virtually treasonous Bobby Rush bill doesn’t ban guns, it bans gun owners, maybe by the millions. How many gun owners read poorly or don’t test well? How many can’t explain local, state and federal gun laws? They’d become prohibited possessors under HR 45. Are there any limits to what the AG can put on the test? The bill doesn’t mention any — it gives the AG a free hand to include anything.

Had enough? HR 45 has an innocent-looking line that says ’strike the second sentence of 18 USC 926(a)’. That’s the line that says the federal government cannot make a central registry of gun owners.

The anti-rights people have to repeal that line, because Bobby’s bill flat-out creates a central gun registry. Every gun owner must be registered to keep on possessing the guns they already own, and any transfer of any kind must be registered as well. The mark of the beast is upon us, to apply a metaphor.

The bill starts with a statement of purpose that says: ” because the intrastate and interstate trafficking of firearms are so commingled, full regulation of interstate commerce requires the incidental regulation of intrastate commerce.” Basically, this eliminates the Tenth Amendment and the Interstate Commerce Clause. The Constitution can’t legally be amended by statute. Is that enough to seek Mr. Rush’s removal from office? I won’t bore you with the other “purposes” which are as bad or worse.

Only “qualifying firearms” are affected. That means any handgun, or any semi-auto firearm that has a removable magazine (what they call a ” detachable ammunition feeding device”).

After the bill becomes law (IF it becomes law), it’s illegal for you to have or get those firearms, even if you already own them, without a special federal license. There are grace periods up to two years to register yourself once the law is passed.

Do you see how clever this is? You cold-dead-fingers guys can keep your guns if you like, refuse to register yourselves, and then you’re subject to arrest on the spot. If you go anywhere with your guns — to the range, a store, a gunsmith, a friend’s house, hunting, competition — and you’re spotted, you go straight to jail. If you’re already on a list (can anyone say “carry permit” or “hunting license”?) and you don’t sign up, well, just connect those dots. Where does the cold-dead-fingers part come into play? I’ll bet the ranges will start requiring you to show your papers before you can hit the line.

To get the license you must “submit to the Attorney General” (they chose that phrase right by golly): a passport-type photo, identifying info, any name you have ever used or ever been known by (I have nicknames, pen names, stage names, omitting any presumably violates the statute) a thumbprint, certification that any firearms will be “safely” stored and out of possession of people under 18, authorization to give up any mental health records, and a certificate that you passed a government-run test.

More... Gun Law Update: Gun-Rights Testing Planned, Part II | MND: Your Daily Dose of Counter-Theory


Blair Holt's Firearm Licensing and Record of Sale Act of 2009
To provide for the implementation of a system of licensing for purchasers of certain firearms and for a record of sale system for those firearms, and for other purposes.

Amends the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act to prohibit a person from possessing a firearm unless that person has been issued a firearm license under this Act or a state system certified under this Act and such license has not been invalidated or revoked. Prescribes license application, issuance, and renewal requirements.

Prohibits transferring or receiving a qualifying firearm unless the recipient presents a valid firearms license, the license is verified, and the dealer records a tracking authorization number. Prescribes firearms transfer reporting and record keeping requirements. Directs the Attorney General to establish and maintain a federal record of sale system.

(1) transferring a firearm to any person other than a licensee, unless the transfer is processed through a licensed dealer in accordance with national instant criminal background check system requirements, with exceptions;
(2) a licensed manufacturer or dealer from failing to comply with reporting and record keeping requirements of this Act;
(3) failing to report the loss or theft of the firearm to the Attorney General within 72 hours;
(4) failing to report to the Attorney General an address change within 60 days; or
(5) keeping a loaded firearm, or an unloaded firearm and ammunition for the firearm, knowingly or recklessly disregarding the risk that a child is capable of gaining access, if a child uses the firearm and causes death or serious bodily injury.

Prescribes criminal penalties for violations of firearms provisions covered by this Act.

Directs the Attorney General to:
(1) establish and maintain a firearm injury information clearinghouse;
(2) conduct continuing studies and investigations of firearm-related deaths and injuries; and
(3) collect and maintain current production and sales figures of each licensed manufacturer.
Authorizes the Attorney General to certify state firearm licensing or record of sale systems.

Text - OpenCongress - Text of H.R.45 Blair Holt's Firearm Licensing and Record of Sale Act of 2009


Funny how the Dems think that making a person present a photo ID to vote is WAY to difficult and discriminatory against the poor and wrong, but making a person jump through all these hoops and pay a tax just to enjoy a constitutionally protected right is not too much to ask.

Freaking criminals!


New Member
Funny how the Dems think that making a person present a photo ID to vote is WAY to difficult and discriminatory against the poor and wrong, but making a person jump through all these hoops and pay a tax just to enjoy a constitutionally protected right is not too much to ask.

Freaking criminals!

He won!
I'd say that it has very little chance of being passed out of both houses of Congress; however, we should not take that for granted, and should continue to make it clear that support for such measures will carry a very heavy political price. The price of liberty is eternal vigilance.

The scary thing is that we have already ceded so much ground, with regard to the Second Amendment, that it is plausible that the day will come when such a measure could get passed.

It's sad that our collective respect for the authority of the Constitution has deteriorated so far, that someone could introduce such a bill and not be laughed out of the chambers of Congress. What a despicable, insecure, tyrannical person this Bobby Rush must be. And shame on his Congressional colleagues for not calling him out as such.

Text of the bill