Had A Car Accident


Well-Known Member
I was driving one day and a car cut me off. I didn't have time or space to stop; so I hit the offender.

When he gets out of his car; lo and behold; and to my surprise, he is a dwarf.

He lumbers over to me and very angrily yells, 'I am not happy!'
To which I replied, "Okay, which one are you?"

This is another classic.....c'mon folks.....


Do you like apples?
I was driving one day and a car cut me off. I didn't have time or space to stop; so I hit the offender.

When he gets out of his car; lo and behold; and to my surprise, he is a dwarf.

He lumbers over to me and very angrily yells, 'I am not happy!'
To which I replied, "Okay, which one are you?"

This is another classic.....c'mon folks.....


sorry but with your last comment ("c'mon folks"), I picture you up on stage doing a stand up routine, tapping the mic with your hand, saying "Is this thing on?" *cricket sound*


Well-Known Member
No disrespect intended. I liked the joke. I was just trying to say that when I read your last comment it made me think about the "Is this thing on?" bit. Please keep the jokes comin, I enjoy them.

Didn't mean to sound like I was taking a swing at you.
Just makes things a little more "real," ya know?
Kinda lets you use ur madge-in-ay-shin :-D.....like you said 'made me think about.....'

Hear that folks? SoMDFunGuy likes the "Share a Joke" thread.
Either that or he's patting me on my head like I'm "special." Which I am. My Mommy said so. So there. :biggrin: