Hail to the Vagina?


Hot Flash

Sanitary pad and tampon commercials made me cringe when I was a teen.

This current marketing ploy has taken (lowered) advertising to an entirely new level.



Dream Stealer
I was going to post this..its disgusting.

Women for years and years have fought to be taken seriously, to have equal opportunities in work, politics, life. FOUGHT to be seen as more than a walking vagina..and those ####ing morons want to reduce us to just that.

Also all of those feminine hygiene commercials piss me off. like the one that says "I found out the hard way that all creams dont take care of feminine odor" while women whisper behind her back. Biatch if you got a problem with neighboring women smelling your hooch you better get to a doctor, dont rely on a commercial to help.



Hot Flash
I was going to post this..its disgusting.

Women for years and years have fought to be taken seriously, to have equal opportunities in work, politics, life. FOUGHT to be seen as more than a walking vagina..and those ####ing morons want to reduce us to just that.

Also all of those feminine hygiene commercials piss me off. like the one that says "I found out the hard way that all creams dont take care of feminine odor" while women whisper behind her back. Biatch if you got a problem with neighboring women smelling your hooch you better get to a doctor, dont rely on a commercial to help.


No other replies. They must be out buying the "V" wipes.

Marketing works.

KY Jelly commercials kind of piss me off as well. However, they downgrade the man because the woman speaks of a burning sensation, and not the man.

Probably all owned by the same company and have the same marketing team.



Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Big FAIL on the commercial. Whoever thought that up needs to start exploring other career paths.


Methodically disorganized
That is so cool! :clap: I could have done without the last ~10 seconds, but I can change the channel once it gets to that bit.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
I haven't seen this one on TV - probably because I don't watch a lot of network TV. What an ignorant commercial! :rolleyes: Idiocy at it's finest.

Sweet 16

I saw it once and couldn't believe what I was seeing -- on prime-time television! I think these companies think they're being cute but some of these commercials are getting way too, uh, familiar. Like those dumb condom commercials where the panicked young couple is frantically trying to buy more. If I want to hear about someone else's sex life, I'll ask my friends. But I won't.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
I personally don't care for the "does a bear sh*t in the woods" concept behind the Charmin toilet paper commercials, either. Cleverly disguising them as cute & cuddly snuggle bears is a cheap attempt at juvenile humor. It's nothing more than "defining deviancy (or decency) down".

I turn off commercials like that & wouldn't be swayed to buy their products based on stupid ads like that either.


curiouser and curiouser
I personally don't care for the "does a bear sh*t in the woods" concept behind the Charmin toilet paper commercials, either. Cleverly disguising them as cute & cuddly snuggle bears is a cheap attempt at juvenile humor. It's nothing more than "defining deviancy (or decency) down".

I turn off commercials like that & wouldn't be swayed to buy their products based on stupid ads like that either.

Thank you! That cute little baby bear with toilet paper stuck to his butt is disgusting. :lol:


Dream Stealer
Thank you! That cute little baby bear with toilet paper stuck to his butt is disgusting. :lol:

that commercial makes me super uncomfortable.. :lmao:

I am not sure why..but I think it has to do with that bear seeming WAY to old to have his mom picking TP out of his ass.


Do you like apples?
So what's your opinion on this one where they're selling vibrators?

This has to be a joke. Very bad marketing. Why the hell would you give that to someone as a wedding gift? Unless it's true that once you get married you no longer have sex?

The cheesy part is when the bride tells her fiance that they got 3 of them and the guy says "Sweet!" - WTF? It makes it sound like he isn't adequate enough for her and this will allow her to be satisfied. Almost like a "Good thing we got this, now she can have a satisfying sex life." I just don't get their point in how they are presenting it in the commercial. Don't get me wrong, including toys can be fun and enhance the moment but that's not how I see the commercial presenting it here. Or is he thinking "Sweet, while my new wife is taking care of herself with that, I'll go bang the chicks that gave it to her?" :shrug:

Also, WTF with the hair blown back on the chicks that use it? It's not a f'in hair dryer. Another juvenile marketing idea. Of course, it does make you wonder what they used to get the hair to stay that way. (thinking along the lines of "There's Something About Mary") :lmao: :killingme

Very bad commercial. Stupid with poor acting and targeting the wrong audience (newlyweds? - if/when I get married, we're not gonna need that! I sure as hell wouldn't be saying "Sweet!" - I'd be offended if my bride's friends thought she needed it - apparently they don't think much of the husband's abilities.)


Active Member
Okay...RESPECT THE V!!!:yay:

I think it was NOT distasteful and was actually a 'clever' presentation.

Now the Trojan one...boys, if you have not tried it (with your partner) you really don't know what your missing!!! Sometimes you just might need a little excitement!!! A hundred years ago I had a GUY introduce me to something very similar...enough said...:yahoo:
As far as the hair thing...well...I don't have a clue about the hair thing but it got all your attention...didn't it? :buddies:

Well, it is the 21st century.....................