Hair help


curiouser and curiouser
Last week I got the worst haircut ever. It's awful. :ohwell: Rewind to November: I got a really cute cut that I was happy with, but I wanted to grow it out a bit for summer. It was similar to this. I went in last Tuesday and just asked my stylist (who has never steered me wrong before) to cut it all one length (it was angled a little toward the front so the back was shorter). I knew that it would end up just below my chin, and I was okay with that because my intention was to just grow it out. I also asked her to cut in some subtle long layers because my hair is very thick and it just looks better if it's a little choppy at the end, rather than just one length.

Well, she cut it all one length, and all was fine. We're chit-chatting and I'm not really paying attention because I trust her, and before I know it she's got some shorter layers in front, sort of angling my face (which look ridiculous - not my face, the layers around my face). So now my hair is longer in the back and shorter in the front - which would be fine if it was around shoulder length, but it's not. The back is a smidge below chin length and the front is angled and shorter than that. I was at my mom's last weekend and saw a picture of 4 year old me with the same damn haircut. It wasn't a good look for me then either. :ohwell:

I gave it a week and have tried to make it look decent, but it's just awful. I can't even pull it back into a ponytail. The only way it looks good is when I wear it curly, then pin it back at the nape of my neck - like a low updo. I don't want to have to do that every day.

My options at this point are to just live with a ####ty haircut for a couple of months and try again, or try a different cut. Obviously my only option is to go much shorter, but that irks me because my intention was to set myself up for growing it back out. I don't think I have the right face for really short hair, but I know I hate this mess I'm stuck with now. Does anyone have pics of cute, short cuts? I liked Mandy Moore's pixie-ish 'do from a few years ago, but I'm afraid I'd end up looking like a boy. :ohwell:

I need advice, commiseration...something. :lol:

Dye Tied

Garden Variety Gnome


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curiouser and curiouser happens. It will grow. Not a big deal.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. :lol: Normally I wouldn't even complain because I realize that, relatively, it's a non-issue. I try to convince myself that it's fine and I can live with it, then I pass a mirror and curse that damned stylist all over again. :lol:


Active Member
I need to see what YOUR hair looks like first, but based on what you've said... It may be a simple as just texturizing the ends a little more or adding more layers. I know this is not what you were "going for" with the intention to grow it out. Maybe just some layers starting from where the angle is. This will break up the beatles- bowl look- and give it some style. Hope it helps.


curiouser and curiouser

You are beautiful, it doesn't matter.
You're too kind. Will I look like a boy or lesbian with short hair?

You better get it fixed before that event in May. :duh

Just kidding. :love:
Oh jeez, I wasn't even thinking about that. :doh: Ridiculous hair is not an option. :lmao:

I need to see what YOUR hair looks like first, but based on what you've said... It may be a simple as just texturizing the ends a little more or adding more layers. I know this is not what you were "going for" with the intention to grow it out. Maybe just some layers starting from where the angle is. This will break up the beatles- bowl look- and give it some style. Hope it helps.
I don't have a picture, but imagine a brown mushroom. :lol: The problem is that my hair is very very thick, so if it's above shoulder length and has too many layers, it has a tendency to look poufy (which is how I got into this predicament). Unless, of course, it's short. I either have to commit to short or wear long layers. I'd go back to the cut I started with, but now the front's too short. It's a little frustrating.


Cleopatra Jones
Leave it and pull it back. I know its a PITA but so is growing out your hair. Cutting it more will only make that process take longer. :huggy:


Walk around topless, people wont even notice your disasterous haircut


All Up In Your Grill
That's literally the exact cut I asked for. I took in this picture, and it turned out nothing like that. At all. It's much shorter in the front, and not out of necessity. My hair was almost shoulder length in front and a good two inches shorter in the back. She really screwed it up. :lmao:

Well, at least we both have the same taste in hairstyles. :lol:


Salt Life
That's literally the exact cut I asked for. I took in this picture, and it turned out nothing like that. At all. It's much shorter in the front, and not out of necessity. My hair was almost shoulder length in front and a good two inches shorter in the back. She really screwed it up. :lmao:

My girl just got her hair cut like this. It's a cute do!


Active Member
I don't have a picture, but imagine a brown mushroom. :lol: The problem is that my hair is very very thick, so if it's above shoulder length and has too many layers, it has a tendency to look poufy (which is how I got into this predicament). Unless, of course, it's short. I either have to commit to short or wear long layers. I'd go back to the cut I started with, but now the front's too short. It's a little frustrating.

That can be frustrating. I think you should let it grown then. In about a month you will feel so much better about it.


New Member
i had the exact problem...and i really didn't want it i decided to put streaks in my hair and find a simple way to wear it. It worked and now i can ponytail it..just a suggestion.