Halloween activities for kids around here??


New Member
This is our first Halloween in this area.

Besides the "Blood Manor", is there ANYTHING? in this area that families can take their kids to around halloween? I look around at the various signs along the intersections, since that seems to be a major form of advertising around here.

Some of the folks i've spoken to dont even bother to trick or treat with their kids. The neighborhoods just arent safe I suppose?

Any suggestions? I've never been anywhere that moms n dads cant trick or treat safely with their kids.

Thanks in advace.


We take our kids to the thing they have at Dent.

Halloween night we take the kids to people we know only.

Sometimes I’ll take the kids to a large neighborhood and let them trick or treat, but I buy candy for the kids and throw the collected candy away.


Loyalty, Friendship, Love
Originally posted by justhangn
We take our kids to the thing they have at Dent.

Halloween night we take the kids to people we know only.

Sometimes I’ll take the kids to a large neighborhood and let them trick or treat, but I buy candy for the kids and throw the collected candy away.

The thing at Dent is Oct 17th 5-8 pm

Is your neighborhood full of psychopaths?? What's not safe? Of course you need to check the candy for tampering because it's always possible there is some lunatic out there, but most people are decent.

My kids are little and don't have the stamina to do much trick or treating. The houses in our neighborhood are widely spaced. We went to 4 or 5 houses and they were ready to go home. The year before last, we lived in a townhouse and we covered about 30 houses and didn't walk half the distance.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Tales of a Haunted Wood at Annemarie Garden the weekend of the 25th & 26th. Trick or treat during the day.

Legend of Sleepy Hollow at CSM in La Plata the same weekend.


Loyalty, Friendship, Love
Originally posted by cariblue

I have to say, I won't be giving out candy this year because of all the parents that feel they need to bring their kids to a "safe neighborhood". You'd be surprised how much that'll set ya back when you have tons and tons of kids at your door.

If the lights off, pizz off.

We had that problem in our townhouse. Not only were we in a safe neighborhood, we had over 40 houses on our street and it was only about 1/4 mile long. All the older kids would walk over from other parts of the neighborhood too.

The first year we were there, we ran out of candy and so did most of the neighbors on our block. The emergancy run to the neighborhood grocery store didn't help b/c they were out too. Finally we all went inside (we usually sat on the step and talked to the neighbors) and turned off the lights.


Happy Camper!
The McDonalds usually do something too, like a costume contest with prizes and the kids get free happy meals. I agree, the corn mazes are great for children, as long as they can walk a distance on their own, no strollers and it's quite a far way to carry them.


Happy Camper!
trick or treet on the square in Leonardtown will be on October 25th from 3-4 pm.


New Member
Originally posted by cmcdanal
The thing at Dent is Oct 17th 5-8 pm

Is your neighborhood full of psychopaths?? What's not safe? Of course you need to check the candy for tampering because it's always possible there is some lunatic out there, but most people are decent.

My kids are little and don't have the stamina to do much trick or treating. The houses in our neighborhood are widely spaced. We went to 4 or 5 houses and they were ready to go home. The year before last, we lived in a townhouse and we covered about 30 houses and didn't walk half the distance.

LOL. We live in Lexington Park. No, I dont feel very safe...LOL


Happy Camper!
Originally posted by Kismet
LOL. We live in Lexington Park.

I think the firehouse may be handing out candy again this year but not sure since they are doing the haunted house too.
Good God you guys are paranoid! I mean when I was a kid and went trick-or-treating (not that long ago) it wasn't this huge deal to do it. Nowadays you parents are TOO damn paranoid. I mean sure mine always checked the candy and gave me a little safety brief beforehand, but this is ridiculous. If you are scared of your own neighborhood, take them somewhere else, ie. Wildewood Shopping center or a nice neighborhood. You are killing the spirit of Halloween. It' not like Al Queda is waiting behind your neighbors door.
Parents nowadays are so protective no wonder kids are as messed up as the are these days. I mean for gods sake most won't even let little Johnny play in the woods without taking the cell phone and then calling the cops when he dosen't check in. Kids need to experince the world for themselves, not have thier parents experience it for them. Teach them how to be safe, but don't overprotect. Because when they grow up to be grown adults and they don't know about how the outside world is, that will be a sad day, with only you to blame.
I' m done, sorry if I have offended anyone, and don't start a flame war because this is not what this post is about. I would just like to see some parents open their eyes and stop coddling their kids so much.


Loyalty, Friendship, Love
Originally posted by thakidistight
I mean for gods sake most won't even let little Johnny play in the woods without taking the cell phone and then calling the cops when he dosen't check in. Kids need to experince the world for themselves, not have thier parents experience it for them. Teach them how to be safe, but don't overprotect. Because when they grow up to be grown adults and they don't know about how the outside world is, that will be a sad day, with only you to blame.

:yeahthat: I let my 2 year old play alone in the woods all the time and he always wonders back eventually. Besides, how is he ever going to learn what a rabid raccoon or a copperhead looks like if he never gets bit by one?:duh:


My Sweetest Boy
Originally posted by cmcdanal
:yeahthat: I let my 2 year old play alone in the woods all the time and he always wonders back eventually. Besides, how is he ever going to learn what a rabid raccoon or a copperhead looks like if he never gets bit by one?:duh:

I found that if you don't feed them before you let them out to wander, they come back quicker.
Originally posted by cattitude
I found that if you don't feed them before you let them out to wander, they come back quicker.

Exactly, good plan. Soon as I have kiddies im gonna do that too :cheers: good show!!


Happy Camper!
At halloween we never went door to door trick-or-treating. My mom and dad would drive us to family's houses and we'd just visit with them (we also have a large family). For my son we just go to the firehouse and hand out candy, he gets all he could need from there and he enjoys seeing the other costumes that come there. We do take him to see close family the day before or something and have a party for his friends the week before with a hayride, pinata and all so he doesn't feel like he's missing out on anything.


I will be taking my children to the corn maze in Clements. We went last year and the kids had a great time. You can check it out at www.cornfieldmaze.com.

There was a great selection of Pumkins there also!