Lawful neutral
Hang-up the Phone, Big Brother is Listening
In an another attempt by the Australian Government to whittle away the freedoms of ordinary Australians, an order spearheaded by Australian Government intelligence agencies to force all Australian telecommunications companies to collect internet data and phone records of all Australians for up to two years has been announced.
Announced in a discussion paper that was released by the Attorney-General’s Department, 40 proposals have been submitted by Australia’s intelligence agencies that are intended to give them more powers to infringe on your privacy.
As discussed in the paper, some of the changes to the Telecommunications (Interception and Access) Act 1979 that have been proposed are:
15 (A): An offence for failure to assist in the decryption of communications (ie.. Fine and prosecute telecommunication companies for not sharing your private information)
15 (C): Tailored data retention periods for up to 2 years for parts of a data set, with specific time frames taking into account agency priorities, and privacy and cost impacts (ie.. All internet data and telephone records must be retained for up to 2 years.
In an another attempt by the Australian Government to whittle away the freedoms of ordinary Australians, an order spearheaded by Australian Government intelligence agencies to force all Australian telecommunications companies to collect internet data and phone records of all Australians for up to two years has been announced.
Announced in a discussion paper that was released by the Attorney-General’s Department, 40 proposals have been submitted by Australia’s intelligence agencies that are intended to give them more powers to infringe on your privacy.
As discussed in the paper, some of the changes to the Telecommunications (Interception and Access) Act 1979 that have been proposed are:
15 (A): An offence for failure to assist in the decryption of communications (ie.. Fine and prosecute telecommunication companies for not sharing your private information)
15 (C): Tailored data retention periods for up to 2 years for parts of a data set, with specific time frames taking into account agency priorities, and privacy and cost impacts (ie.. All internet data and telephone records must be retained for up to 2 years.