Hank Williams Jr@CMM 5/23



Saturday, May 23Hank Williams jr
7:30 p.m.
In the music industry, Hank Williams Jr. is one of only a few artists who surpass superstar status to become true American icons. Over the years, Hank Jr. has blazed a trail with such classic hits as Whiskey Bent and Hell Bound, All My Rowdy Friends, Old Habits and Born to Boogie. He has long been the voice of the common man, serving up observations on life and society that have made his fans listen intently and respond with a rousing "Hell Yeah!" as he puts words and music to their thoughts, hopes and everyday life.

Tickets are $55 for Premium and $45 for Reserved. Sales dates and your special members' passcode will be released soon. Look for updates in the Bugeye Times and future email blasts. Memorial Day Weekend is going to be rocking in Solomons!


Saturday, May 23Hank Williams jr
7:30 p.m.
In the music industry, Hank Williams Jr. is one of only a few artists who surpass superstar status to become true American icons. Over the years, Hank Jr. has blazed a trail with such classic hits as Whiskey Bent and Hell Bound, All My Rowdy Friends, Old Habits and Born to Boogie. He has long been the voice of the common man, serving up observations on life and society that have made his fans listen intently and respond with a rousing "Hell Yeah!" as he puts words and music to their thoughts, hopes and everyday life.

Tickets are $55 for Premium and $45 for Reserved. Sales dates and your special members' passcode will be released soon. Look for updates in the Bugeye Times and future email blasts. Memorial Day Weekend is going to be rocking in Solomons!
