Hapless Cowboys...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
...seems to be the term of the day.

Hapless; luckless, unfortunate, wretched.

I find myself feeling sorry for them, a sadness that I feel on a deeper level, a concern for their lot in life.

That would be an example of :sarcasm:



Well-Known Member
Their fans seem to be hiding this year. Im not seeing any clothing attire like I us to and those little pennant hanging out the windows of their vehicles have all seem to disappear just like the team. :yahoo:

Think ole Wade may have coached his last Cowboy game last night? :shrug:



Y'all need to worry about the clusterfruck you got in Ashburn and nothing else...:yay:

:peace:...and wish nothing but the best for your respected team.


But those are how Cowboy fans are. Talk a lot of chit when things are good, stick their heads in the sand when they're not.

I'd like someone to make an app for Droid phones and call it "The many quizzical looks of Wade Phillips".

Just like Redskins fans.......:killingme

Most insufferable fan base........ever.....:evil:



Nothing to see here
...seems to be the term of the day.

Hapless; luckless, unfortunate, wretched.

I find myself feeling sorry for them, a sadness that I feel on a deeper level, a concern for their lot in life.

That would be an example of :sarcasm:


Cowboys being hapless sure puts a damper on the year. I find it extemely hard to get excited at the Cowboys losing so patheticly.


New Member
Hey hey hey not so fast, not all of us have left. I am sitting here typing this wearing my Blue and Silver...my Cowboys shorts, and a Cowboys T Shirt. I had all three of my boys decked out Sunday. I too think this is the best thing that could happen to my franchise. We needed this.

However, who said we were gonna win it all this year...not the players...the analysts did!!! Do we have the individual talent...ABSOLUTELY, are we playing like a TEAM, not in the least bit!! I said two months ago that this team lacked leadership and discipline. MOST of the NFL players are overpaid pansies. I say most because the Peyton Mannings are few and far between. That guy is one that wants to focus on the season, the task at hand, not a contract. These punks that are playing for my team are about getting paid, period!!!

My hope is that we CLEAN HOUSE!!! On offense I would keep Romo, Felix, Choice, Austin, Witten, Free, and Gurode. Defense I would keep my entire front seven and clean house with the DB's. Let this year go, it is gone, don't think you are going to turn it around next year either...get rid of these pansie DBs and get people that want to cover and want to HIT!!! Mike Jenkins should be FIRED right now for his lack of effort the other night. I would have sat a High Schooler for that move, he is an NFL player, he gets paid to PLAY a frickin game!!!

I love my Cowboys, I have never lost hope for the franchise, nor have I ever totally despised the way they were being run. But for the past 10 months I have had to wonder what was going on. No real offseason moves...yea you won a playoff game, but got blown out the next week...Did you really think you had EVERYTHING you needed to go all the way the next year??? HOW???

This league is about continually getting better, once you are happy with the status quo, which Wade was, you will get your tail spanked....which has happened!!! Good luck COWBOYS, we will still be rooting...hopefully now you will at least be playing for your JOBS!!!

It seems they can't do anything right ...

Dallas Cowboys Forget to Renew Team Web Site

As if Sunday wasn’t bad enough, as 19.4 million people watched the Dallas Cowboys get blown out by the Green Bay Packers on Sunday Night Football, there was a behind-the-scenes scramble in the early morning hours that day to make sure the team renewed the registration of its Web site.

The site, DallasCowboys.com, actually expired on Tuesday, according to domain search records, but the site wasn’t offered for sale by domain host Network Solutions until Sunday.

When that happened, Cowboys officials scrambled to re-register the site, which was first reserved in November 1995.


Football addict
However, who said we were gonna win it all this year...not the players...the analysts did!!!
I disagree vehemently with that.:lmao:

Not only did the owners predict as much, the players did as well...over and over. That was part of the reason why they started their slide, arrogance. You have to actually go out and play 16 games before you're annoited the Super Bowl on your own turf.


New Member
That's right, I do believe in Romo. I met him for the first time when he was a third string nobody. I have since met him a few times...and can say with certainty, he is one of the few Truly Professional players in the league. He will get it all for us before he is finished.....he will win a Super Bowl with the Cowboys!!!


Today is one of the rare occasions I want the Girls to win. The Giants need to come down a couple notches. And it's looking good right now. Not looking so hapless today.
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