Happy Birthday Justice



He was born at 5:45 a.m. this morning, Tigger had to have a C-section. Mother and baby are doing fine.

He was 5 lbs. 12 oz., I forgot to ask how long.


Southern Beyotch
Originally posted by IM4Change
He was born at 5:45 a.m. this morning, Tigger had to have a C-section. Mother and baby are doing fine.

He was 5 lbs. 12 oz., I forgot to ask how long.

What kind of complications was she having?


Re: Re: Happy Birthday Justice

Originally posted by ememdee19
What kind of complications was she having?

The cord was around the baby's neck and his heart rate dropped, so they took the baby. The baby is doing fine and of course, Tigger is knocked out right now. Daddy is was just trying to climb into bed when I called, so I guess I caught him before he drifted off to sleep.


Southern Beyotch
Re: Re: Re: Happy Birthday Justice

Originally posted by IM4Change
The cord was around the baby's neck and his heart rate dropped, so they took the baby. The baby is doing fine and of course, Tigger is knocked out right now. Daddy is was just trying to climb into bed when I called, so I guess I caught him before he drifted off to sleep.

Awww, poor thing. Glad to hear all are doing well, though. Congrats!


Loyalty, Friendship, Love
Originally posted by Beener
Mighty low birth weight, don't you think?


Just goes to show there's no way in heck the doctor can tell how big they'll be before birth. Didn't she say a few days ago they told her 10 lbs?

Anyway, Congrats to Tigger and TWL. :party:


New Member
Originally posted by cmcdanal
Just goes to show there's no way in heck the doctor can tell how big they'll be before birth. Didn't she say a few days ago they told her 10 lbs?

I do believe you are correct. Can smoking while pregnant cause low birth weight? I'm not trying to bring up a :deadhorse debate, but am curious.


But wait, there's more...
Is someone gonna go post the announcement in the "Good News" area? I think that'd make Miss Cutie Pie really happy to have the focus removed from family squabbles over who's someone's bebe's daddy to a celebration of the birth of a life where paternity is not questioned! :cheesy:


Good deal :clap: :clap: I can't wait to hear every detail IE: scab size on cord, poop color and so on wooooooooooooooooooooo


5lbs, 12 oz.......hmmmmmm they better check and be sure there isn't another one in there.........TWINS..........she did say they estimated 10lbs...........hmmmmmmmmmm


Happy Camper!
Congratulations Tigger and TWL, sorry to hear there were problems but glad to know things are ok now.


New Member
Originally posted by Beener
I do believe you are correct. Can smoking while pregnant cause low birth weight? I'm not trying to bring up a :deadhorse debate, but am curious.

Can also be genetics ... friend of mine had a baby that weighed just a little over 5 lbs (fullterm) and she never smoked at all :wink: