Happy Monday


If the shoe fits....
Happy Monday All!
I hope everyone had a good day. Mine started off with slow drivers, red lights and our server at work was down for most of the day.

The best thing was that our son started Pre-K today. Watching him get on the bus was so exciting. :yahoo: He was so cute!

That made up for the bad day!


lushlips44 said:
Happy Monday All!
I hope everyone had a good day. Mine started off with slow drivers, red lights and our server at work was down for most of the day.

The best thing was that our son started Pre-K today. Watching him get on the bus was so exciting. :yahoo: He was so cute!

That made up for the bad day!
:howdy: Congratulations on your sons first day of Pre-K! Your day started off like mine..........slow drivers and our server was down most of the day. :bubble:


If the shoe fits....
Thanks! It was a great. I look forward to those moments! I hope tomorrow is better!!
Our server is back up, which means that means no break tomorrow until I go to the Oral Surgeon.....Another fun filled day!