Hard drive repair software


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
I've got a 1TB hard drive on my desktop at home that just started giving me errors. It is strictly a data disk (the OS is on a SSD) and is about 20-25% full. I ran Chkdsk with the /f fix option and it found a lot of problems and attempted to fix as much as it could. Unfortunately the sector/s with the errors is where Firefox lives. I removed Firefox and attempted a reinstall, but the OS tried to put Firefox right back where it came from.

I know I can reformat the drive which with identify the bad sectors and lock them out, but I like to not have to temporarily remove everything from the drive. What third-party software is out there that will can the drive, repair what it can, and lock out any bad sectors without wiping out everything else on the drive?


Just sneakin' around....
Honest opinion? Once a drive starts to show errors, get your data off of it. It's going to fail, and just marking bad sectors is a technique we used back in the 80s which usually was a waste of time. If it's a newer drive, past few years, it probably already has intelligent error recovery and repair in it's DOS. If it's not working, move your data.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
Midget porn is too important to keep on a stand alone drive.