Hardship pay?


New Member
Does anyone know where I can find a list on the web that will show the amount you can get paid for hardship when traveling to a foreign country? I'm not sure if it's a percentage amount based on your salary or if it's a flat rate amount. I'm not even sure if I'm describing this right - lol. Anyway - it's for non-military personnel.

TIA :smile:


Main Streeter
Blondie76 said:
Does anyone know where I can find a list on the web that will show the amount you can get paid for hardship when traveling to a foreign country? I'm not sure if it's a percentage amount based on your salary or if it's a flat rate amount. I'm not even sure if I'm describing this right - lol. Anyway - it's for non-military personnel.

TIA :smile:

Any type of hardship/hazardous duty pay would be governed by the traveler's employer and the contract they might be working under.


New Member
There are two payments you can get (if working for the Federal government) one is Per Diem, meaning that you get a daily allowance for Meals, Lodging, and Incidental expenses. This varies by location, and sometimes the season.
If deployed to a no kidding combat zone, then you can get hazardous duty pay of anywhere from $150 to $250 for a month. But it is a pittance compared to what contractors receive.

A contractor that is in say Iraq or Afghanistan will receive quaranteed overtime (some as much as regular salary, add 30 additional work hours, and then then add a 70% danger bonus. KBR has taken homeless people off the street in Houston who are now making $75K a year tax-free, with free lodging and meals, just to hand out bottled water and gatoraide in the galley's. Not bad for unskilled labor.)

Most goverment contractors going on short-term travel will use government per diem rates. Those rates can be checked at http://www.dfas.mil

have fun on your trip.
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You're all F'in Mad...
awpitt said:
Any type of hardship/hazardous duty pay would be governed by the traveler's employer and the contract they might be working under.

:yeahthat: Also look in Turbotax and see what kind of marriage discount you get on your income taxes. Now there's a hardship! :yay:


New Member
Coventry17 said:
Apparently it's very, very serious combat. No puns intended, nor allowed.

There are some places that the US government considers "combat zones" like Bahrain and Dubai, but the worst thing you have to worry about there is getting hit by traffic! However, due to proximity the "no-kidding" combat zones (like Iraq), they are considered in a combat zone.

Bahrain is a sought after duty station for a lot of Navy people; a one or two year assignment, and enough perks to make Donald Trump a little envious. The only war going on over there is fighting over the parking spaces, and protecting their COLA's.


Baby blues
RangerJohn said:
There are some places that the US government considers "combat zones" like Bahrain and Dubai, but the worst thing you have to worry about there is getting hit by traffic! However, due to proximity the "no-kidding" combat zones (like Iraq), they are considered in a combat zone.

Bahrain is a sought after duty station for a lot of Navy people; a one or two year assignment, and enough perks to make Donald Trump a little envious. The only war going on over there is fighting over the parking spaces, and protecting their COLA's.

You think they could come up with a better name for it. :rolleyes: That's kind of retarded.


New Member
RangerJohn said:
There are some places that the US government considers "combat zones" like Bahrain and Dubai, but the worst thing you have to worry about there is getting hit by traffic! However, due to proximity the "no-kidding" combat zones (like Iraq), they are considered in a combat zone.

Bahrain is a sought after duty station for a lot of Navy people; a one or two year assignment, and enough perks to make Donald Trump a little envious. The only war going on over there is fighting over the parking spaces, and protecting their COLA's.

You forgot the war against boredom.... but you're right, Bahrain is one of the best kept secrets in the Navy. It's not bad duty and you make a boat load of $$$.