Has anyone heard...


The Smart Hooker
If they have had to use force to remove people from their homes? I saw on the news that there was an estimated 10,000 people who did not want to leave even though there was another mandatory evacuation issued.

I say if they want to stay there, leave them there. Quit sending them food and water. Though it boggles my mind why Mayor Nagin didn't use physical force the first time around (when he issued the so-called mandatory evacuation.). Maybe we wouldn't have the "refugee" problems we have now.

Wasn't sure if people are leaving now or still putting up a fight.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
From what I understand, the authorities are no longer going to provide food and water to those who choose to stay and are focusing on the rest they can get out and gather the dead.


The Smart Hooker
RoseRed said:
From what I understand, the authorities are no longer going to provide food and water to those who choose to stay and are focusing on the rest they can get out and gather the dead.




Registered AKC
RoseRed said:
From what I understand, the authorities are no longer going to provide food and water to those who choose to stay and are focusing on the rest they can get out and gather the dead.
:clap: GOOD~! It's about time.


With the health issues regarding the water and not supplying the idiots with food and water, they'll just have to come back and collect them dead too...:lol:


Well-Known Member
Last I heard, idiot boy Nagin says he's going to drag them out but the, lets think about it for 24 hours governor, says no. Marion Barry would be an improvement over those bozo's.


willie said:
Marion Barry would be an improvement over those bozo's.

That depends if they were his providers or not, wouldn't want his crack to get wet or anything. :ohwell:


Methodically disorganized
I keep waiting...

... for Vrai to chime in, because this reminds me of the debate she started a couple weeks back about a guy that wanted to commit suicide and the officials that tried to stop him.

I say let 'em go. If they want to die... oh well. Why waste the time and resources?

This afternoon I read someone's comment that officers would agree to letting people stay -- but first they would need to write their name and social security number on their forearm so their body could be identified later. :lol: If that doesn't make them think, nothing will.


Go Braves!
hvp05 said:
This afternoon I read someone's comment that officers would agree to letting people stay -- but first they would need to write their name and social security number on their forearm so their body could be identified later. :lol: If that doesn't make them think, nothing will.


The Smart Hooker
Just finished watching the news. Apparently Nagin wants them out however Gov. Blanco said she didn't support the mandatory evacuation right now. She also reminded everyone that was watching that she was in charge not Nagin. The blind leading the blind. :dur:


meme said:
Just finished watching the news. Apparently Nagin wants them out however Gov. Blanco said she didn't support the mandatory evacuation right now. She also reminded everyone that was watching that she was in charge not Nagin. The blind leading the blind. :dur:

No wonder the city got flooded after being told for over a decade that there needed to be changes.....what an idiot tard. :duh:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
hvp05 said:
... for Vrai to chime in, because this reminds me of the debate she started a couple weeks back about a guy that wanted to commit suicide and the officials that tried to stop him.
I say let 'em stay. Apparently Johnny White's has lived up to its pledge to never close - people were sitting at the bar drinking beer when the TV dudes went in. And Cafe du Monde just needs a sweeping and it's good as new. In fact most of Bourbon Street looked dry.

I don't believe in the government having the power to evacuate you from your home if you don't want to go. It's a little too fascist for my taste.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Anyone see that power is coming back on in areas of the French Quarter?


meme said:
Just finished watching the news. Apparently Nagin wants them out however Gov. Blanco said she didn't support the mandatory evacuation right now. She also reminded everyone that was watching that she was in charge not Nagin. The blind leading the blind. :dur:

Those 2 deserve each other. No wonder they were so well organized.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Bernie Karick...

hvp05 said:
... for Vrai to chime in, because this reminds me of the debate she started a couple weeks back about a guy that wanted to commit suicide and the officials that tried to stop him.

I say let 'em go. If they want to die... oh well. Why waste the time and resources?

This afternoon I read someone's comment that officers would agree to letting people stay -- but first they would need to write their name and social security number on their forearm so their body could be identified later. :lol: If that doesn't make them think, nothing will.

...the NYC police commish 9/11 tough guy said that he would have had his men ask that folks fill out and put on toe tags to save time later.

Again I say; if you do NOT have a right to stay in your own home, even if you might get killed by a storm, what rights DO we have and what are the conditions of them?

People don't want to admit it but people who WANT to stay home or CHOOSE to be homeless mess up the image and the stats of making everything 'inept' governments fault.

They say 'but WHO would want to do that, who in their right mind?"

It's not for us to judge. We are a free people. I would never want to be Wolf Blitzer. To me, he is insane and his life must suck.

"So poor, so black, how do you feel about THAT???"

I'd rather ride out a storm than be that guy.