Hate to be stationed in Japan


Man, I'm still here !!!
only applys to Military, but admiral would like "OTHERS" to abide also. YUp unbearable....


Well-Known Member
In my day (early '70s) we had race riots in Japan. It was pretty bad.


New Member
Its cyclical. Every couple years curfew and other heavy restrictions are put on personnel stationed in Japan. Military gets too caught up in treating grown adults like children and restricting what they can and can't do.


PREMO Member
Don't punish everybody for the actions of few.
Isn't this why the military has the UCMJ?


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
I was stationed on USS Worden CG-18 in Yokosuka in '75-76. The USS White Plains made an extended stop there in "76, and her crew was out of control, fighting just about any other sailor they could find, along with causing havoc with the locals. They were eventually confined to the ship, and the rest of the base caught a lot of flak as well, and shut down for a while. Really sucked what a few can do to ruin a lot for many.