Haunted House



To all:

The Bay District Volunteer Fire Department is putting on a Haunted House 'Blood Manor' starting tonight. The Haunted House will run every friday and saturday night in October, as well as everynight the week of Halloween. Hours of operation are 7-10PM. It is located on the corner of 235 and Great Mills Rd. just behind the firehouse. Come on out it is sure to be a SCREAM!!!!


Happy Camper!
It's only $7 and all of it goes to the firehouse so even if it is cheesy, use it as a tax writeoff.



One thing you have to remember is that it is for the VOLUNTEERS so even if it is cheesy, we are the one comign out to help you. We don't believe in going door to door, to us that is cheesy. We look at this as a fun way of making money. Trust me you won't be disappointed. How will you know unless you come out. And another question, why wait to see what other people think? Find out for yourself!!! Just a thought!!


I'd actually have to see Dals_daddy to be able to give him a donation! But anyway.... its for a good cause ya'll.


Active Member
One time I went to a haunted house in Waldorf and it was awesome! At the beginning was some man with a skull and he said some kid wandered off and got lost in there and all they found was his hands and pants. Then you go down this hallway where there's this devil in a cage and he's pitchforking a rubber dog and blood is spurting out and he runs up to the cage and screams stuff. After that this electric man jumps out of the wall and spits in your face. My favorite part was this old woman with a chainsaw that tries to punch out of a plastic bubble and kill you. It is really scary and they have real bats and jumper cables and goblins that throw up on people's clothes and monsters. I will go back again if they have it this year.