HD TV Channels


New Member
For anyone who may know, with Metrocast, what HD channels do we get over the cable (without the box) with the expanded basic package?

I'm askin because right now I have the HD box paying monthly for the basic HD channels, but I was considering getting rid of the box if I could get the regular channels with the HD tuner built into my TV... I've tried plugging in directly to the wall (not from the box) and I get some of the HD channels, but I don't know if I would get more or less because of the digital HD package I subscribe to.

If anyone has any info or suggestions, I'd appreciate it. Thanks.


New Member
Without the converter box, you get nothing above the analog channels, no HDs. To recieve over the air (network) HD channels with your built in tuner, you'll need an antenna.


New Member
Well, see, I have a built in HD tuner. So I DO get some HD channels (without the converter), but I just wanted to make sure that I wasn't getting them over the air because I was subscribing to the basic HD package...

Thanks for the reply, btw! =]


I have HD through MCast.... i wish comcast or someone would come down here... the hd channels SUCK big time... ugggh :(