He flies through the AIR...


Rocky Mountain High!!
With the greatest of ease...well sort of :lol: he ended up going REALLY high (I'm not sure exactly how high) but he caught on real quick.

He took a good roll after the first few jumps :lol: he was too funny!


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Rocky Mountain High!!
Turns out my boy has had some Dressage training, and Changeling and he hit it off like gangbusters...

She is an AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME horse person! Thank you! :huggy: :flowers:

I won't tell you how MUCH Rottncop wanted to hop up on him, but there wasn't near enough leather on top of that horse for him :lol:


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Rocky Mountain High!!
MeThinks Changeling LOVES her new pupil... and he feels the same for her. :biggrin:


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New Member
happyappygirl said:
MeThinks Changeling LOVES her new pupil... and he feels the same for her. :biggrin:

Happy, I just wanted to thank you and Rottncop for allowing me to play with your boy. It was the most fun I've had in ages. He's an amazing fellow. :flowers:


spellbound said:
happyappygirl, where is that indoor? It looks really nice.

Thank you, that's on our farm. :flowers: It's located in :gossip:county. We call ourselves. :gossip: The website is :gossip: Just to be clear, it's not HP or FI. :killingme

If you really want to know, PM me. :howdy: Otherwise, it would be spam. :lmao:


Rocky Mountain High!!
MAN you just have no idea -he's been "on vacation" for YEARS...my digital (or MY timing) wasn't quick enough to get the really good shots! My camera was low on battery and the very best ones were lost :frown: I hope Wildhorses got some good ones. Boy took some with her camera too.

Changeling had him jumping double that height, and had him really extending his trot beautifully (she said his trot is so smooth it's hard to post, you just don't have too). He also side passes nicely, (on one side right now :lol:) moves off your leg, is super soft in the mouth, and VERY sweet under saddle! Rottncop wanted to jump on SO bad...he might do it today at home. :gossip: his life insurance is all paid up :lol:


appyday said:
Take the pic right as he leaves the ground..that way as he crests the jump you will get the best shot...he does look good..

Agreed, but unfortunately all of our digital cameras were low on batteries and a tad slow. :howdy: We even tried using a burst setting and we got great pictures of him coming, just about taking off and landing but no jumping. :killingme Not to worry, we'll get him the next time he visits. Didn't seem fair to tire him out due to our inept photography skills. :lmao:


New Member
At least you caught something, I get lots of fab shots of jump standards! Sometimes maybe the nose on approach or the tail going away. Very few in flight. What has helped is the rider counting strides out loud. Super facility WHs :smile:


fredsaid2 said:
At least you caught something, I get lots of fab shots of jump standards! Sometimes maybe the nose on approach or the tail going away. Very few in flight. What has helped is the rider counting strides out loud. Super facility WHs :smile:

Got a few of those myself. :lmao: Thank you, it's still a work in progress but we're enjoying it. :flowers:


Persimmon Creek Farm
Happy He looks great :yay: Im so glad that you are pleased.
I have a digital and just got butt or head shots or the ghost horse for so long. Then a stranger at the equestrian center told me to push the button 1/2 way and wait for the perfect frame...then continue the push. Now I can get some action...not all the time but that helps allot.