

New Member
Just wondering if there are any headhunters down that way that any of you would recommend for my husband and I in our search for jobs?
We both graduated from Great Mills some time back but we went away for college and haven't been back. Now we really want to move back "home" and be closer to our families and raise our kids there.
Any suggestions/recommendations would be greatly appreciated.


My Sweetest Boy
Originally posted by dottymae
Just wondering if there are any headhunters down that way that any of you would recommend for my husband and I in our search for jobs?
We both graduated from Great Mills some time back but we went away for college and haven't been back. Now we really want to move back "home" and be closer to our families and raise our kids there.
Any suggestions/recommendations would be greatly appreciated.

Gee, not sure of any in Calvert..Kelly services is a temp agency that used to be able to find some jobs. Also the Calvert County website has some jobs on its "economic development" portion of the website.

Also VERY helpful to KNOW someone!!!



New Member
Well, my husband works on computers. His official title is Senior User Support Specialist. If there's a problem with a computer he can fix it. He's the computer guy and one smart cookie.

As for me, well, I'm an economist with the federal government in D.C. I've been working for the fed-gov now for almost 9 years and I'd like to continue that so as not to lose benefits/money.
I'm thinking any financial/budget job would be perfect for me.

Once again, any information is greatly appreciated.

Thank you.


Many years ago, I was looking to change jobs and relocate to the South. I contacted several headhunters, but had no luck with any of them. I eventually got a job, but it was through a friend of my sister-in-law that got me the interview. In my experience, it is through personal contacts that job opportunities arise, but your mileage may vary.


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
Maybe this will help:

Good luck to you.
I ended up finding a job with NAVAIR by submitting my resume through the website: www.navair.navy.mil, and then cold-calling each of the HR offices at all eight locations.

At the Orlando office, I ended up talking to an HR guy who graduated from Purdue (where I went to school). He knew some people up here at Pax and put me in direct contact with them. I was hired within 3 weeks.

Hope you have the same kind of luck. I've never had much luck with headhunters. I've had a few offers through them, but the money was never any good because of the fees they shave off the top in order to make their own money.


Be about it
There are also several links here on this site to big defense contractors, as well as job listings. Hotjobs works for some, but not all. I had a couple good opportunities come by way when I posted a resume there.