Heartache in Redskins Nation


New Member
:cds: Number 10 is the toughest SOB on the team. What does it take for us to have at least a .500 season? Excuses, Excuses, Excuses.....We're rebuilding, We're evaluating some things, etc. etc. etc.:1bdz: I don't care how this season ends at this point just BEAT Dallas!!!!!!!!!!!!

*Note The Colts we're the worst team in the league last year. All they did was draft a rookie QB and started winning* BYE Shann and Shann your dismissed!

Larry Gude

Strung Out
:cds: Number 10 is the toughest SOB on the team. What does it take for us to have at least a .500 season? Excuses, Excuses, Excuses.....We're rebuilding, We're evaluating some things, etc. etc. etc.:1bdz: I don't care how this season ends at this point just BEAT Dallas!!!!!!!!!!!!

*Note The Colts we're the worst team in the league last year. All they did was draft a rookie QB and started winning* BYE Shann and Shann your dismissed!

Not fair. The Colts are only a couple seasons removed from the Super bowl. They are more than just Payton Manning. O line, skill people, defense. Luck is doing a great job and earning his #1 status but, he had a LOT more going for him day one than RGIII.

The Skins have been lame for some years. We do not and have not had a solid O line for some time. We just instituted a dramatic defensive change from a 4-3 to a 3-4, a change we were ill suited for in terms of personnel. We didn't then, and still don't, have depth at LB.

Special teams is not. And has not been.

Garcon is out. Carriker is out. Both starting safeties, out. Orakpo, gone. Davis, out. We lost a key O lineman before the season started. Good teams become .500 real quick when they lose 7 starters. Bad teams...stay bad.



Well-Known Member
Not fair. The Colts are only a couple seasons removed from the Super bowl. They are more than just Payton Manning. O line, skill people, defense. Luck is doing a great job and earning his #1 status but, he had a LOT more going for him day one than RGIII.

The Skins have been lame for some years. We do not and have not had a solid O line for some time. We just instituted a dramatic defensive change from a 4-3 to a 3-4, a change we were ill suited for in terms of personnel. We didn't then, and still don't, have depth at LB.

Special teams is not. And has not been.

Garcon is out. Carriker is out. Both starting safeties, out. Orakpo, gone. Davis, out. We lost a key O lineman before the season started. Good teams become .500 real quick when they lose 7 starters. Bad teams...stay bad.


The only issue I would take with your statement is: as far as 4/3 to 3/4 goes, if you're ill-suited for it with the personnel you have, and you CAN'T change the personnel........change the farking system. Stop trying to pound the square peg and go find EITHER the round peg or the square hole.


New Member
Not fair. The Colts are only a couple seasons removed from the Super bowl. They are more than just Payton Manning. O line, skill people, defense. Luck is doing a great job and earning his #1 status but, he had a LOT more going for him day one than RGIII.

The Skins have been lame for some years. We do not and have not had a solid O line for some time. We just instituted a dramatic defensive change from a 4-3 to a 3-4, a change we were ill suited for in terms of personnel. We didn't then, and still don't, have depth at LB.

Special teams is not. And has not been.

Garcon is out. Carriker is out. Both starting safeties, out. Orakpo, gone. Davis, out. We lost a key O lineman before the season started. Good teams become .500 real quick when they lose 7 starters. Bad teams...stay bad.


Larry I agree we do not have a solid O line. And switching to that 3-4D without the key personnel has been an issue since we switched to that crap!

Our medical staff is just collecting a paycheck. With 7 starters out why haven't they just shut Garcon down and let him go get his surgery and come back next year? It's my understanding that he isn't scheduled to get one yet. Is he trying to come back this year?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Our medical staff is just collecting a paycheck. With 7 starters out why haven't they just shut Garcon down and let him go get his surgery and come back next year? It's my understanding that he isn't scheduled to get one yet. Is he trying to come back this year?


I just had this vision of a doc at a horse track, animal is broken down, leg flopping in the breeze and these guys are like "Looks like a sprain to me...ready to go in a week or two..."


Larry Gude

Strung Out
The only issue I would take with your statement is: as far as 4/3 to 3/4 goes, if you're ill-suited for it with the personnel you have, and you CAN'T change the personnel........change the farking system. Stop trying to pound the square peg and go find EITHER the round peg or the square hole.

That was my point. When Haslett was brought in we had 2 LB's, maybe 3, that could even make another squad and only one, Fletcher, that would start for anyone else. And we had, what 6 guys or so that were serviceable NFL d linemen. Maybe 7. All pros' no, but, of the two, we at least had depth at D line.
I still don't get this 3-4 switch. We STILL have more depth on the line than LB and, and AND in our infinite Redskin wisdom, the guys we've drafted to be top shelf LB's, Orakpo and Carrigan, were both D LINE in school!!!!



New Member
That was my point. When Haslett was brought in we had 2 LB's, maybe 3, that could even make another squad and only one, Fletcher, that would start for anyone else. And we had, what 6 guys or so that were serviceable NFL d linemen. Maybe 7. All pros' no, but, of the two, we at least had depth at D line.
I still don't get this 3-4 switch. We STILL have more depth on the line than LB and, and AND in our infinite Redskin wisdom, the guys we've drafted to be top shelf LB's, Orakpo and Carrigan, were both D LINE in school!!!!


:otter: to Haslett:smack:


As much as it sucks for them to lose, there is this.

The most well known sports related presidential predictor is the Redskins Rule. The rule is simple: if the Redskins lose, the challenger wins; if the Redskins win, the incumbent wins. Since 1940 (the 'skins moved to Washington in 1937), the outcome of the Redskins last home game before the election has correctly predicted the outcome of the presidential election 17 out of 18 times.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
As much as it sucks for them to lose, there is this.

The most well known sports related presidential predictor is the Redskins Rule. The rule is simple: if the Redskins lose, the challenger wins; if the Redskins win, the incumbent wins. Since 1940 (the 'skins moved to Washington in 1937), the outcome of the Redskins last home game before the election has correctly predicted the outcome of the presidential election 17 out of 18 times.

Woulda been cool if they tied, huh?



Well-Known Member
:cds: Number 10 is the toughest SOB on the team. What does it take for us to have at least a .500 season? Excuses, Excuses, Excuses.....We're rebuilding, We're evaluating some things, etc. etc. etc.:1bdz: I don't care how this season ends at this point just BEAT Dallas!!!!!!!!!!!!

*Note The Colts we're the worst team in the league last year. All they did was draft a rookie QB and started winning* BYE Shann and Shann your dismissed!

Losing count now on how many seasons i have been saying i just want to see the skins go 50 - 50 and it is starting to look again that they may let me down again.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Don't complain to a BUC-CAN-EERS GO BUCS! season ticket holder since day one in 1976 about losing seasons.

Two plays against the NYG, one against Dallas (both on the road), a very bad, rarely used call by the refs on a failed NO fg attempt, and a specific horrible call of "unnecessary roughness on the new prima dona of the league" by the un-officials against ya'lls hero, running back Griffin, who was hammered while outside the pocket and attempting to gain yardage around the left end on a third down, and stopped well short of first down in the shadows of their own goal posts. Griffin would look good in pink.

The BUC-CAN-EERS GO BUCS! could easily be 7 - 1 at this point of the season.

I don't feel sorry for anybody with a worse record than the Bucs, and I'm sure 'Skins fans feel the same way for anyone with a worse record than their beloved team.

Just sayin' lament on.


The Skins stink. They will always stink. And you folks should know why.


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