Hearts sink as Romney left on sideline


Habari Na Mijeldi
Hearts sink as Romney left on sideline - Salt Lake Tribune

John McCain disappointed many Utahns when he bypassed Mitt Romney as his running mate. Explanations for why he was overlooked vary, but few think Romney's political life is over.
"All of us would have loved it if he picked Mitt because we love Mitt. Let's be honest," Republican Utah Sen. Orrin Hatch said Friday.

By floating Romney, a Mormon, as a potential vice presidential nominee, "the McCain campaign played chicken with evangelicals and they didn't blink. So McCain did," said Spencer Stokes, a GOP strategist in Utah. "As much as the LDS Church has invested in public relations and trying to improve how the church is viewed in the South, it may take another hundred years for these voters to get past the Mormon issue."


In My Opinion
He disappointed more liberals than conservatives by leaving him out of the equation.

judging from DU, America Left, the Baltimore sun and you libs here, Im thinking that the conservatives ticket is scaring the hell out of you guys.

Such whining I have never seen, and wont see again in a long time unless the evil forces of the "dark" side prevail.


Hearts sink as Romney left on sideline - Salt Lake Tribune

John McCain disappointed many Utahns when he bypassed Mitt Romney as his running mate. Explanations for why he was overlooked vary, but few think Romney's political life is over.
"All of us would have loved it if he picked Mitt because we love Mitt. Let's be honest," Republican Utah Sen. Orrin Hatch said Friday.

By floating Romney, a Mormon, as a potential vice presidential nominee, "the McCain campaign played chicken with evangelicals and they didn't blink. So McCain did," said Spencer Stokes, a GOP strategist in Utah. "As much as the LDS Church has invested in public relations and trying to improve how the church is viewed in the South, it may take another hundred years for these voters to get past the Mormon issue."

Is it "Utahns" or "Utahis" or "Utahians" or "Utahnians" or Utahisians" or "Utahanians" or "Utahnisis"? :tap: