Heaven Forbid That Mikulski Should Do Something Good For People Today




Washington D.C. - Senator Barbara A. Mikulski (D-MD) today introduced legislation with several of her colleagues which apologizes to the victims of lynching for the failure of the Senate to enact anti-lynching legislation.

"The horrific practice of lynching is a stain on our nation - and on our souls. There were over 4,700 documented lynchings in the United States. There were 29 documented lynchings in Maryland. These lynchings were public events, with members of the community colluding - either directly or indirectly - in this horrifying practice. It was no accident that they made them public - they were sending a message to other African Americans in the community. These crimes left thousands of people dead and families and communities scarred. Yet 99% of these murderers were never arrested or tried for their crimes."

What a load of crap! She paints lynching victims as only being African Americans, but a look at the record shows that the real number of documented cases of lynchings is 2,800, not 4,700, and that of that 2,800 over 300 were white. She also fails to notice that her numbers are coming from cases that occured only on the east coast, and during select periods of time, mainly post-Civil War. There were countless numbers of lynchings in the Western states during the same time, but since most of the victims there were white or hispanic, and she's not trying to hold onto those votes, she's pressing for this rediculous measure.

Heaven forbid that Babs should actually spend her time in the Senate creating a bill that would help get the inner-city schools back on track... something that would really help African-Americans of today.


I can't stand this lady. She is so fake and it makes me wanna :barf: everytime I see her on TV.


Super Genius
It's a good thing to know and learn from the past, but apologizing for something that none of us had anything to do with is a waste of time.

2,800 lynchings (according to Bruz who I trust more than Babs)? More people died on 9/11. Do something to help out with that current problem. :burning:


New Member
Bruzilla said:
Washington D.C. - Senator Barbara A. Mikulski (D-MD) today introduced legislation with several of her colleagues which apologizes to the victims of lynching for the failure of the Senate to enact anti-lynching legislation.
"The horrific practice of lynching is a stain on our nation - and on our souls. There were over 4,700 documented lynchings in the United States. There were 29 documented lynchings in Maryland. These lynchings were public events, with members of the community colluding - either directly or indirectly - in this horrifying practice. It was no accident that they made them public - they were sending a message to other African Americans in the community. These crimes left thousands of people dead and families and communities scarred. Yet 99% of these murderers were never arrested or tried for their crimes." What a load of crap! She paints lynching victims as only being African Americans, but a look at the record shows that the real number of documented cases of lynchings is 2,800, not 4,700, and that of that 2,800 over 300 were white. She also fails to notice that her numbers are coming from cases that occured only on the east coast, and during select periods of time, mainly post-Civil War. There were countless numbers of lynchings in the Western states during the same time, but since most of the victims there were white or hispanic, and she's not trying to hold onto those votes, she's pressing for this rediculous measure. Heaven forbid that Babs should actually spend her time in the Senate creating a bill that would help get the inner-city schools back on track... something that would really help African-Americans of today.
C'mon Bruz.... don't be so tuff on the lil watermelon. I mean for all she knew, there were protesters on the electric chair and lethal injection back then yanno..... :lmao:


New Member
Wow I cannot believe that you could be so upset over a piece of legislation that passed unanimously and whose lead sponsor was Republican Senator George Allen.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
rraley said:
Wow I cannot believe that you could be so upset over a piece of legislation that passed unanimously and whose lead sponsor was Republican Senator George Allen.
Wrong youngster. The lead sponsor was a Democrat from Louisiana, Sen Landrieu, Mary L. Check S. Res. 39 (it did have 83 co-sponsors of which Allen was amongst the first to sign on to it).


New Member
Thank you for the correction Mr. King. I read about it in the Post today and it gave both Landrieu and Allen the title of sponsor...

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
rraley said:
Thank you for the correction Mr. King. I read about it in the Post today and it gave both Landrieu and Allen the title of sponsor...
It's all good. I went to Thomas at the Library of Congress and it gives credit to Landrieu. I don't trust newspapers very much for accuracy.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
ylexot said:
Who cares who sponsored or signed for it. It's a worthless waste of time and money.
What is it going to cost. Here is what was "resolved":

Resolved, That the Senate--

(1) apologizes to the victims of lynching for the failure of the Senate to enact anti-lynching legislation;

(2) expresses the deepest sympathies and most solemn regrets of the Senate to the descendants of victims of lynching , the ancestors of whom were deprived of life, human dignity, and the constitutional protections accorded all citizens of the United States; and

(3) remembers the history of lynching , to ensure that these tragedies will be neither forgotten nor repeated.

Doesn't look too expensive just to say Sorry


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Help me understand the point of this. Are people still being lynched in Maryland? :confused: If that's the case, you'd think she'd introduce legislation that would make the penalty for lynching more serious.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Ken King said:
(1) apologizes to the victims of lynching for the failure of the Senate to enact anti-lynching legislation;
If they were lynched, wouldn't they be dead? So, like, is she going to stand over their grave and say she's sorry they were lynched? :confused:

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
vraiblonde said:
If they were lynched, wouldn't they be dead? So, like, is she going to stand over their grave and say she's sorry they were lynched? :confused:
Sure, why not. Some of them might still be registered voters. :biggrin:

It's a resolution, not a bill, and as such will not be law. It's simply a feel good thing that should be done and causes no harm for doing so.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Ken King said:
It's a resolution, not a bill, and as such will not be law. It's simply a feel good thing that should be done and causes no harm for doing so.
I hate feel-good crap, especially when it's merely a ploy to pander for votes. Mikulski is such a transparent phony. :rolleyes:


New Member
Ken King said:
Sure, why not. Some of them might still be registered voters. :biggrin:

It's a resolution, not a bill, and as such will not be law. It's simply a feel good thing that should be done and causes no harm for doing so.
I cannot stand this woman. I agree with Bruzilla above that she should find better things to do with her time.


New Member
vraiblonde said:
I hate feel-good crap, especially when it's merely a ploy to pander for votes. Mikulski is such a transparent phony. :rolleyes:

Don't blame Mikulski...blame the other 83 co-sponsors, which includes members of both parties.

There are many, many resolutions passed everyday in Congress...I think that it is a wonderful thing for our government to apologize to victims of lynching, which for decades was not outlawed by the federal government because of the filibuster of Southern senators. This resolution is much, much better than comparable resolutions passed in the Senate that recognize a certain date as Little League Day, etc.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
rraley said:
which for decades was not outlawed by the federal government because of the filibuster of Southern senators.
Well, then it's about time Democrats get around to apologizing for their evil ways. Does this mean they'll also stop patronizing blacks with welfare and retarded Ebonics programs?


New Member
vrai...you cannot blame lynching on Democrats...those were Dixiecrats whose political history is tied to conservatism.


rraley said:
There are many, many resolutions passed everyday in Congress...I think that it is a wonderful thing for our government to apologize to victims of lynching, which for decades was not outlawed by the federal government because of the filibuster of Southern senators. This resolution is much, much better than comparable resolutions passed in the Senate that recognize a certain date as Little League Day, etc.

For rr and Ken, there is a HUGE potential cost involved with frivilous actions like this. Why do people apologize? Because they did something wrong, they did the wrong thing, or because they didn't take an action that they should have. In any of these cases, apologizing indicates some level of liability and culpability. I guarantee you that there are lawyers who are already investigating if this "harmless" resolution can be used as a basis for lawsuits or some form of petition to the government for damages. Ever since the precedent was set by the Japanese internment settlements, all you need is an admission that the US Government acted improperly, or failed to act properly, to make your case. We've seen similar actions involving slavery, but the government was never directly involved in slavery, or in preventing it. By admitting that a course of action could have been taken, and wasn't, you're admitting liability, which I think will open the door for someone(s) to jump in their with their wallet/purse wide open.

I doubt that the Little League Association is going to try to get money out of the government for creating Little League Day. By the way... I heard last night that at one time there was an effort to pass a bill outlawing lynching, but that it never got our of the Senate because it was fillibustered... by Democrats. Maybe the Democrats should have issued a referendum apologizing for themselves.