Washington D.C. - Senator Barbara A. Mikulski (D-MD) today introduced legislation with several of her colleagues which apologizes to the victims of lynching for the failure of the Senate to enact anti-lynching legislation.
"The horrific practice of lynching is a stain on our nation - and on our souls. There were over 4,700 documented lynchings in the United States. There were 29 documented lynchings in Maryland. These lynchings were public events, with members of the community colluding - either directly or indirectly - in this horrifying practice. It was no accident that they made them public - they were sending a message to other African Americans in the community. These crimes left thousands of people dead and families and communities scarred. Yet 99% of these murderers were never arrested or tried for their crimes."
What a load of crap! She paints lynching victims as only being African Americans, but a look at the record shows that the real number of documented cases of lynchings is 2,800, not 4,700, and that of that 2,800 over 300 were white. She also fails to notice that her numbers are coming from cases that occured only on the east coast, and during select periods of time, mainly post-Civil War. There were countless numbers of lynchings in the Western states during the same time, but since most of the victims there were white or hispanic, and she's not trying to hold onto those votes, she's pressing for this rediculous measure.
Heaven forbid that Babs should actually spend her time in the Senate creating a bill that would help get the inner-city schools back on track... something that would really help African-Americans of today.
Washington D.C. - Senator Barbara A. Mikulski (D-MD) today introduced legislation with several of her colleagues which apologizes to the victims of lynching for the failure of the Senate to enact anti-lynching legislation.
"The horrific practice of lynching is a stain on our nation - and on our souls. There were over 4,700 documented lynchings in the United States. There were 29 documented lynchings in Maryland. These lynchings were public events, with members of the community colluding - either directly or indirectly - in this horrifying practice. It was no accident that they made them public - they were sending a message to other African Americans in the community. These crimes left thousands of people dead and families and communities scarred. Yet 99% of these murderers were never arrested or tried for their crimes."
What a load of crap! She paints lynching victims as only being African Americans, but a look at the record shows that the real number of documented cases of lynchings is 2,800, not 4,700, and that of that 2,800 over 300 were white. She also fails to notice that her numbers are coming from cases that occured only on the east coast, and during select periods of time, mainly post-Civil War. There were countless numbers of lynchings in the Western states during the same time, but since most of the victims there were white or hispanic, and she's not trying to hold onto those votes, she's pressing for this rediculous measure.
Heaven forbid that Babs should actually spend her time in the Senate creating a bill that would help get the inner-city schools back on track... something that would really help African-Americans of today.