

Ahhhh Florida!
Why are all the horse people so mean to each other on here?

We are only mean to MPD's and lying frauds. Oh and some MPDs are mean to me because they hate me for some unknown bizarre reason, but I am leaving.:lmao: If you are not me, a lying fraud, or and MPD they will be perfectly nice to you. There are some GREAT HORSE PEOPLE on here. Welcome. Don't take things too personally and you will be fine.:buddies:


Why are all the horse people so mean to each other on here?

Welcome, Buttercupp! :howdy:

No worries, mate, not all horse people are mean to each other. In fact, after February, I doubt anyone will be mean. BUT, in order to allay your fears and ease your transition here, I have taken the liberty of composing a sort of guide, which I like to call: Saddlesore's Handy Introductory Tips. Or, as it is more commonly referred to: SH*T. Just follow the following Do's and Don't's, and all will be right as rain. To wit:

- make it a point -as often as possible!- to bash anything and anyone associated with FIF. Here is your chance to be creative!
- feel free to make snarky remarks, and if no one acknowledges your wittiness, be sure to follow with another post, stating: "I crack myself up". Be shameless in your attempts at self-aggrandizement and self promotion!
- pepper your posts with witty descriptions of other Forumites, such as "lying fraud" and "coward". Forum folks will appreciate your honesty!
- bring up any legal troubles and court dates that other horse people in our community have. After all, isn't a public forum like this the place to do so? You are performing a vital community service in keeping people informed.
- spend an inordinate amount of time flitting about the community, making rounds of the tack shops and people's barns, all in a vain attempt to discover other Forumites' identities. Trust me, you will not be able to live without knowing who everyone on here is. You will become obsessed!

- ever mention the word "certified", as it pertains to Instructor Certification. For, as we all know, it is WORTHLESS!
- ever mention "insured", either, as in: "HI :howdy: I am a Certified Instructor with Insurance!"
- forget to sprinkle around copious amounts of colourful red karma, accompanied by witless and misspelt remarks. But be sure to claim, at the same time, that you would *never* give out karma with signing it.

There! I think the aforementioned advice should stand you in good stead. As you will soon come to learn, it is not so difficult, eh?

Good luck, and good posting! :buddies:


New Member
nice to see you. Hope to catch you at some rides come spring. Always looking for people to ride w/ during the week and during school, that arent a huge drive away.


New Member
Welcome! Hope you enjoy it here. Only advice is to ignore any negative karma. Don't complain about getting it, it only gets you more. :smile:


Ahhhh Florida!
There are several people I like over at FI. I think FI is a beautiful facility. When have I said anything negative about FI except that they have a small arena. That is just a fact. Just because there is a clan of Julminites there doesn't bother me. Hey...they were the ones stalking me...now that is odd you must admit!:buddies: I have supported their shows and even taught lessons there. Why would I bash it? This town is in need of decent facilities.

I was just checking references and that is where the amazing truths come out. I can't believe that people would lie about stuff like that!:lmao: I guess they feel like if they haven't accomplished anything important then just make it up, no one will ever bother to check, just assuming that the general public is too stupid to do their research. Hopefully that has changed. Who said I was going to leave the forum? I just won't be able to come on as much because there is a lot to do outside in the warm air. :lmao: I will still have internet.:evil:


New Member
Welcome. You came and lots of people left. You must have scared them away. People are deleting themselfs left and right.