Help! Checking Voicemail



What's the number you dial to check voice mail on your phoneline? My parents both told it to me once but didn't write it down and they're both on vacation/unreachable at this point and there's a message on the phone.

I remember the password but all I remember is the number they said to dial had a 737 in it.


Active Member
For my home, I dial my own phone number, then hit * (or is it #) during the greeting, and then enter my password.


Lem Putt
kris31280 said:
What's the number you dial to check voice mail on your phoneline? My parents both told it to me once but didn't write it down and they're both on vacation/unreachable at this point and there's a message on the phone.

I remember the password but all I remember is the number they said to dial had a 737 in it.

Are you really a Dems MPD?


Well-Known Member
kris31280 said:
What's the number you dial to check voice mail on your phoneline? My parents both told it to me once but didn't write it down and they're both on vacation/unreachable at this point and there's a message on the phone.

I remember the password but all I remember is the number they said to dial had a 737 in it.

:confused: Have you been hitting the Hennessey and Weed again?


New Member
kris31280 said:
What's the number you dial to check voice mail on your phoneline? My parents both told it to me once but didn't write it down and they're both on vacation/unreachable at this point and there's a message on the phone.

I remember the password but all I remember is the number they said to dial had a 737 in it.
hmmmm I think there are different rules if you are a foriegner! :whistle:


Thank you Sockgirl and Wineo!

MMDad I have no idea what a Dems MPD is.

Smoothmarine, I do neither Hennessey and Weed.


New Member
kris31280 said:
I see this :poke:

But all I read is this :blahblah:
Ok here is a little something from Minnesota to make you feel less foreign! :killingme

So Ollie got a car-phone, and on his way home he calls up Leena. He says, “Leena! I’m calling ya from da freeway on my new car-phone!”

And Leena says “Oh be careful! Because on the radio they say some nut is driving the wrong way on the freeway!!”

And Ollie says “One nut! Heck dere are hunderds of em!!”