New Member
It's now time for all of you to again ask the county commissioners,, in the surrounding jurisdictions to write a letter to the Public Service Commission to immediately fix the telephone calling areas problem which I have fought since 1996, and only the Dunkirk area residents received a reprieve. The rest of you appear to be in limbo because Verizon is doing nothing to fix what they should have done a long time ago voluntarily.
Ivan (John) Petric
-------- Original Message --------
Some people have indicated that they are still being told their area is the regular rate of $14.00. It appears that Verizon's management probably has not yet put the word out to its employees. I have already notified Verizon's management, the PSC, the Office of People's Counsel, and my Representative of this problem. It does not appear that Verizon will ever want to fix anything voluntarily.
The Maryland Public Service Commission (PSC), in Case # 8772, Order No. 76537, dated November 2, 2001, stated that "the foreign exchange (FX) service purchased by customers is to drop from $14.50 per month to $2.00 per month effective January 1, 2001".
As you know, the Hearing Examiner's original Order, dated July 30, 1999, said that "These changes would take effect on January 1, 2000." The PSC's FINAL Order also states, "...that Bell Atlantic [Verizon] shall review all other foreign exchange area data to determine whether such areas are eligible for repriced foreign exchange service based on the FX-subscription test. Bell Atlantic shall propose repricing FX service based on such determinations immediately." Not when they feel like it. It's the bad wording that always has its momentary setbacks.
The objective of our case with Verizon and the PSC in case # 8772 is to expand the local calling areas and to lower the current $14.50 per month FX subscription rate to .50 cents per month, versus the current total of $40+ that we've had to pay in order to have an 301-855/812-xxxx or 410-257/286-xxxx exchange, etc., [depending where you live], which has limited access to other telephone exchanges from Prince Frederick to the Annapolis exchanges, etc., unless it happens to be a toll call. Verizon, however, in its appeal to the PSC on 12/4/2000 stated that it was voluntarily considering lowering the FX service rates for all Maryland customers to $8.35 effective January 1, 2001. See pages 5 & 6. [Note: If you notice, nothing has happened yet voluntarily].
So yes, lowering the rate for those with a higher FX rate may not apply to a regular local 410-257/286-xxxx telephone line for those in the "North Beach Exchange" if there is "NO Higher Fee" associated with that exchange. But, my understanding from many consumers in the Huntingtown/Prince Frederick area is that those with a 410-257/286-xxxx exchange are also paying a higher fee, similar to the 301-855/812-xxxx FX metro line surcharge, just for the privilege of being able to call other exchanges within the area as a local vs a toll call. What I see that is happening here is that Verizon is apparently playing hide and seek and does not tell it all, unless they are caught cheating or [for lack of a better word] defrauding the public. They are a big business with no one being able to police their bad business practices. So, if you or anyone else still happens to be paying a higher fee, I would urge you all to immediately file a "complaint" with the PSC and to request an investigation as part of this case, and the rate manipulation that is unilaterally being perpetrated by Verizon.
In NH Order No. 22,662, the Commission went against an old Community of Interest tradition. It said, "...we will no longer apply the old EAS guidelines which quantified [the] community of interest as an average of three or more calls per customer per month with 40% of the customers making at least two calls per month." This was based on the FCC's universal service (see below) decision.
In CC Docket No. 96-45, In the Matter of Federal-State Joint Board on Universal Service, Report and Order, FCC 97-157 (released May 8, 1997), the FCC provides a definition of community of interest. Elaborating, the FCC found that merely determining the number of subscribers to which one has access for local service in a local calling area is insufficient to determine that the calling area reflects the community of interest. Something that Maryland's Public Service Commission refuses to do.
The EAS information (see Sect 5, specifically line # 114) is available on the FCC web site at:
Lastly, the rate reduction that the PSC was supposed to also have considered, was retroactivity for 10 years. They have not done so. So, I have again asked the PSC to reconsider their decision, as in each previous request (you can read this case at on line in my response to the PSC dated 12/28/2000. Click Item # 198. Ivan (John) Petric - Response to Verizon Maryland Inc.'s Appeal of PO on Expanded Calling Areas, et. al. and Request for Reconsideration. Case No. 8772. See more.)
If you are dissatisfied with Verizon's response, you may submit a complaint to the Public Service Commission by telephone (1-800-492-0474) as option 1, fax (410-333-6844) or online at:
Dispute (Complaint) Form
I would file a formal online request for investigation at:
Dispute (Complaint) Form
or call them at 1-800-492-0474) as option 1.
According to Mr. Harris, everybody is supposed to pass Verizon's FX test in order to get a lower rate. Those responsible for our problems are doing the FX test. :-(( How do you verify what they determine? Especially, when the FCC has already ruled that what is being considered by Verizon is not the correct definition of a community of interest.
As you know the PSC has continued to ignore the pleas in our case, and that issue is currently still under appeal in Verizon's reconsideration request.
Ivan (John) Petric
Mr. Robert G. Harris
Assistant Manager for External Relations
Maryland Public Service Commission
6 St. Paul Street, 16th Floor
Baltimore, MD 21202-6806
Subject: Investigation of Verizon Maryland's Telephone Problems
Dear Mr. Harris:
I am a resident of ...., and have a foreign exchange (FX) telephone.
The Maryland Public Service Commission (PSC), in Case # 8772, Order No. 76537, dated November 2, 2001, states that "the foreign exchange (FX) service purchased by customers is to drop from $14.50 per month to $2.00 per month effective January 1, 2001".
As you know, the Hearing Examiner's original Order, dated July 30, 1999, said that "These changes would take effect on January 1, 2000." Further, the PSC's FINAL Order also states, "And that Bell Atlantic [Verizon] shall review all other foreign exchange area data to determine whether such areas are eligible for repriced foreign exchange service based on the FX-subscription test. Bell Atlantic shall propose repricing FX service based on such determinations immediately."
Unfortunately my rate has not been reduced at all, and I continue to pay the higher rate for no reason whatsoever. Please investigate.
Your expedited cooperation in this matter is appreciated. Thank you.
Your Name
Your Address
Your Phone #
Ivan (John) Petric
-------- Original Message --------
I received several thank you e-mails from Verizon petition customers. So, just in case you have a foreign exchange (FX) telephone line, and the FX rate on your telephone bill still has not yet dropped from $14.50 to $2.00, please contact the Maryland Public Service Commission (PSC). Send an e-mail to the PSC on this to Robert Harris [] and Chrys Wilson [] . They are the 2 people at the PSC you need to ask to follow up on this request at least for now. Calling Verizon is of no use as you get the run-around. Also send a copy to Mr. Bill Roberts <>, the new Maryland Verizon President. And of course a copy to me Ivan Petric [IPetric at Netzero dot net] to keep me in the loop. (See sample letter below). Some people have indicated that they are still being told their area is the regular rate of $14.00. It appears that Verizon's management probably has not yet put the word out to its employees. I have already notified Verizon's management, the PSC, the Office of People's Counsel, and my Representative of this problem. It does not appear that Verizon will ever want to fix anything voluntarily.
The Maryland Public Service Commission (PSC), in Case # 8772, Order No. 76537, dated November 2, 2001, stated that "the foreign exchange (FX) service purchased by customers is to drop from $14.50 per month to $2.00 per month effective January 1, 2001".
As you know, the Hearing Examiner's original Order, dated July 30, 1999, said that "These changes would take effect on January 1, 2000." The PSC's FINAL Order also states, "...that Bell Atlantic [Verizon] shall review all other foreign exchange area data to determine whether such areas are eligible for repriced foreign exchange service based on the FX-subscription test. Bell Atlantic shall propose repricing FX service based on such determinations immediately." Not when they feel like it. It's the bad wording that always has its momentary setbacks.
The objective of our case with Verizon and the PSC in case # 8772 is to expand the local calling areas and to lower the current $14.50 per month FX subscription rate to .50 cents per month, versus the current total of $40+ that we've had to pay in order to have an 301-855/812-xxxx or 410-257/286-xxxx exchange, etc., [depending where you live], which has limited access to other telephone exchanges from Prince Frederick to the Annapolis exchanges, etc., unless it happens to be a toll call. Verizon, however, in its appeal to the PSC on 12/4/2000 stated that it was voluntarily considering lowering the FX service rates for all Maryland customers to $8.35 effective January 1, 2001. See pages 5 & 6. [Note: If you notice, nothing has happened yet voluntarily].
So yes, lowering the rate for those with a higher FX rate may not apply to a regular local 410-257/286-xxxx telephone line for those in the "North Beach Exchange" if there is "NO Higher Fee" associated with that exchange. But, my understanding from many consumers in the Huntingtown/Prince Frederick area is that those with a 410-257/286-xxxx exchange are also paying a higher fee, similar to the 301-855/812-xxxx FX metro line surcharge, just for the privilege of being able to call other exchanges within the area as a local vs a toll call. What I see that is happening here is that Verizon is apparently playing hide and seek and does not tell it all, unless they are caught cheating or [for lack of a better word] defrauding the public. They are a big business with no one being able to police their bad business practices. So, if you or anyone else still happens to be paying a higher fee, I would urge you all to immediately file a "complaint" with the PSC and to request an investigation as part of this case, and the rate manipulation that is unilaterally being perpetrated by Verizon.
In NH Order No. 22,662, the Commission went against an old Community of Interest tradition. It said, "...we will no longer apply the old EAS guidelines which quantified [the] community of interest as an average of three or more calls per customer per month with 40% of the customers making at least two calls per month." This was based on the FCC's universal service (see below) decision.
In CC Docket No. 96-45, In the Matter of Federal-State Joint Board on Universal Service, Report and Order, FCC 97-157 (released May 8, 1997), the FCC provides a definition of community of interest. Elaborating, the FCC found that merely determining the number of subscribers to which one has access for local service in a local calling area is insufficient to determine that the calling area reflects the community of interest. Something that Maryland's Public Service Commission refuses to do.
The EAS information (see Sect 5, specifically line # 114) is available on the FCC web site at:
Lastly, the rate reduction that the PSC was supposed to also have considered, was retroactivity for 10 years. They have not done so. So, I have again asked the PSC to reconsider their decision, as in each previous request (you can read this case at on line in my response to the PSC dated 12/28/2000. Click Item # 198. Ivan (John) Petric - Response to Verizon Maryland Inc.'s Appeal of PO on Expanded Calling Areas, et. al. and Request for Reconsideration. Case No. 8772. See more.)
If you are dissatisfied with Verizon's response, you may submit a complaint to the Public Service Commission by telephone (1-800-492-0474) as option 1, fax (410-333-6844) or online at:
Dispute (Complaint) Form
I would file a formal online request for investigation at:
Dispute (Complaint) Form
or call them at 1-800-492-0474) as option 1.
According to Mr. Harris, everybody is supposed to pass Verizon's FX test in order to get a lower rate. Those responsible for our problems are doing the FX test. :-(( How do you verify what they determine? Especially, when the FCC has already ruled that what is being considered by Verizon is not the correct definition of a community of interest.
As you know the PSC has continued to ignore the pleas in our case, and that issue is currently still under appeal in Verizon's reconsideration request.
Ivan (John) Petric
Mr. Robert G. Harris
Assistant Manager for External Relations
Maryland Public Service Commission
6 St. Paul Street, 16th Floor
Baltimore, MD 21202-6806
Subject: Investigation of Verizon Maryland's Telephone Problems
Dear Mr. Harris:
I am a resident of ...., and have a foreign exchange (FX) telephone.
The Maryland Public Service Commission (PSC), in Case # 8772, Order No. 76537, dated November 2, 2001, states that "the foreign exchange (FX) service purchased by customers is to drop from $14.50 per month to $2.00 per month effective January 1, 2001".
As you know, the Hearing Examiner's original Order, dated July 30, 1999, said that "These changes would take effect on January 1, 2000." Further, the PSC's FINAL Order also states, "And that Bell Atlantic [Verizon] shall review all other foreign exchange area data to determine whether such areas are eligible for repriced foreign exchange service based on the FX-subscription test. Bell Atlantic shall propose repricing FX service based on such determinations immediately."
Unfortunately my rate has not been reduced at all, and I continue to pay the higher rate for no reason whatsoever. Please investigate.
Your expedited cooperation in this matter is appreciated. Thank you.
Your Name
Your Address
Your Phone #
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