Help for Buddy


New Member
Buddy is a beautiful and charming 20 year old pony that has brought love to hundreds of children throughout his life. He is the barn’s favorite pony and is exclusively used by children under 10 years of age living through out Southern Maryland and Virginia. Unfortunately Buddy has been diagnosed with glaucoma. He has been in pain so great that he almost rubbed his eye out of the socket before we realized the problem. He now receives three drops of medicine a day and shots to keep the pressure down, but this is only temporary. He will need surgery to remove his eye and it will be replaced with a fake eye. The veterinarian says the operation will cost $3,000.
As a pony, he has another 15 or 20 years of active life left, so the surgery is a viable solution.. Please help us help Buddy regain the pain free life he so deserves.
If you would like to help, please go to Fundable Online Fundraising — Buddy the pony's eye surgery


New Member
Buddy is a beautiful and charming 20 year old pony that has brought love to hundreds of children throughout his life. He is the barn’s favorite pony and is exclusively used by children under 10 years of age living through out Southern Maryland and Virginia. Unfortunately Buddy has been diagnosed with glaucoma. He has been in pain so great that he almost rubbed his eye out of the socket before we realized the problem. He now receives three drops of medicine a day and shots to keep the pressure down, but this is only temporary. He will need surgery to remove his eye and it will be replaced with a fake eye. The veterinarian says the operation will cost $3,000.
As a pony, he has another 15 or 20 years of active life left, so the surgery is a viable solution.. Please help us help Buddy regain the pain free life he so deserves.
If you would like to help, please go to Fundable Online Fundraising — Buddy the pony's eye surgery

What about solicitating the hundreds of children that have bonded with him? :shrug:


New Member
help Buddy

Already have asked for help from the riders past and present and their parents, but with the financial times the way they are we have not met our total yet and were hoping that if many could help just a little we would be able to get the surgery sooner rather than later.


Painted Spirit
We had an old pony who needed an eye removed due to an injury. Dr. Benedict from Tidewater came out and did the surgery in our pasture. He removed the bad eye and sewed it shut. She was up and around in no time and back to riding in a month. This was about 10 yrs ago and only cost us about $300. She went on for the next 8 yrs giving lessons, trail rides, parades and was a wonderful pony! Not many noticed the sunken empty eye socket, especially her.


New Member
I don't know much about the cost of eye surgery. I am passing on the price quoted to us for transportation, surgery and false eye at Leesburg hospital.


Hunter/Eq. Trainer :-)
Where is said pony at?

gabbyreece it didn't mention where Buddy is boarded or used for lessons. Can you clarify that? Wasn't sure if you had seen SugarNSpikes ask the same thing?

Saw a nice horse jumping in the Equitation part of a clinic this weekend that had only one eye. He held his own pretty well.


New Member
I remember Buddy.

He's been at Linden since the dawn of time.

Hope he gets better. I have absolutely no money, and that's probably the same with just about everyone else. D:

I was talking to a friend who has a one eyed horse. It's not necessarily the surgery that costs a lot of money, it's the glass eye, which isn't really necessary. Her guy goes without, and she cleans it out once a day or so, and he does just fine. The glass eye is just owner preference, I guess.
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New Member
I doubt the pony cares if he has a glass eye or not. I'd be more concerned that the original poster says the pony is in quite a bit of pain.

Sparks poked himself in the eye a few years back. Developed a nasty ulcer that required surgery. We took him just outside of Richmond, Virginia Equine Eye I think it was called. It was on the showgrounds of Deep Run. Nice place, great Doctor, though I can't recall his name right now.
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Equestrian :)
Leesburg is verryy expensive and they try to do alot of experimental stuff. Call Woodside Equine Center in Ashville, VA. only about 2 hours up and I love them! Not sure if they do eye stuff though but I would shop around abit more if I were you. I also know a horse who had one eye and he was a selle francis and was pheonamional jumper!

BZ..being meaning to get with you but School has me tied up here lately and I think I have mono :( will call you or PM you soon


Well-Known Member
Leesburg is verryy expensive and they try to do alot of experimental stuff. Call Woodside Equine Center in Ashville, VA. only about 2 hours up and I love them! Not sure if they do eye stuff though but I would shop around abit more if I were you. I also know a horse who had one eye and he was a selle francis and was pheonamional jumper!
BZ..being meaning to get with you but School has me tied up here lately and I think I have mono :( will call you or PM you soon

He wouldn't be a bay named Hermes, would he? :whistle:


Well-Known Member
YESSS! THat's Him! I loved when his owner rode him! I haven't seen N in forever. I was like twelve when he owned him

N and I were good friends. We went to elementary school together, and then college. I haven't talked to him in about a year. Hermes (we teased and called him Herpes) was an awesome horse!


Equestrian :)
N and I were good friends. We went to elementary school together, and then college. I haven't talked to him in about a year. Hermes (we teased and called him Herpes) was an awesome horse!

He was always a very nice guy. He rescued a baby deer when I was younger and gave it to me so I could raise it cause he didn't have time too. My friend saw him the other day at the WIHS hanging out with Mcclain Ward but I never was able to track him down


New Member
I doubt the pony cares if he has a glass eye or not. I'd be more concerned that the original poster says the pony is in quite a bit of pain.

Sparks poked himself in the eye a few years back. Developed a nasty ulcer that required surgery. We took him just outside of Richmond, Virginia Equine Eye I think it was called. It was on the showgrounds of Deep Run. Nice place, great Doctor, though I can't recall his name right now.

i love virginia equine, they are great. Doug is the main vet there. i forget his last name hehee.


K Betit
We had a morgan gelding, Sky. My friend owned him. She was showing 3'3" with him and sometimes he would just forget to jump, couldn't figure out why. Then we came out to the barn one day and his lens had detached. And he had 25% vision in the other eye. He'd been jumping and relying on the girl to tell him when to go. If she didn't tell him, he just never took off. We never knew. He went up to Leesburg, they removed the eye and he was good to go. Had another good five years until the other eye went out.