"Help me! I'm cooked!"


Asperger's Poster Child
Anyone notice how many pictures of crabs and lobsters show them as cooked (orange-red instead of green-blue)? Especially cartoons. Sebastian in the Little Mermaid looks like he just crawled off the table at Evans Seafood.

The most ridiculous example is the Warner Brothers store in Annapolis. The marquee has huge statues of Bugs and Daffy as Maryland watermen (cool!) but Daffy's crab pot has cooked crabs in it. I've never heard of a waterman pulling cooked crabs right out of the Bay. Must be global warming. :lol:

John Z

if you will
Well, keep in mind that people are more familiar with lobsters and crabs in ..... their cooked state. So the recognition factor is higher if they use red coloring.

Equally silly are the commercials that depict animals that appear happy that they are about to slaughtered and eaten. :crazy:


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Originally posted by John Z
... Equally silly are the commercials that depict animals that appear happy that they are about to slaughtered and eaten. :crazy:
You mean they're not? :confused:

I know it makes me happy! :yum:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by John Z
Well, keep in mind that people are more familiar with lobsters and crabs in ..... their cooked state. So the recognition factor is higher if they use red coloring.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by bluto
So we should start depicting cows as cooked t-bone steaks and chickens as plates of hotwings?
Why not? That's how I picture them in my mind!


Loyalty, Friendship, Love
True story -- Some friends of my in-laws went crabbing for the first time. The wife kept throwing the crabs back. Finally someone asked her what was wrong with them. Her response, "They were the wrong color."


Well-Known Member
Quite a few of the guys I worked with in D.C. ate crabs often but never saw a live one.


Asperger's Poster Child
Originally posted by vraiblonde
Why not? That's how I picture them in my mind!

Can you imagine a cartoon featuring Tommy the T-Bone? :lol:

Saturday Night Live once did a joke commercial for a fast-food joint, Cluckin' Chicken. The chicken described in detail how he was butchered and cooked. "First they chop off my head, and then they stick me over a 350-degree fire. Oooh, that's hot!" Strange.

John Z

if you will
Tonio - I was thinking the same thing (the Cluckin' Chicken) when I wrote my post! :lmao:

"Hey kids, how's the me?" and "I'm getting a little light headed".

... There's always something cookin' at the Cluckin' Chicken ...


Active Member
One time my grandma won some money from a scratch-off and she took me and my dad to the Red Lobster. They had this fish bowl full of lobsters and they was all green. I asked my grandma why they was green if it was the Red Lobster. She said cuz they was dirty. I didn't get no lobsters cuz they was dirty, but I got some shrimps and apple pie. My grandma got this fish with its head on it and she went NUTS! She nearly overturned the table and fell into the wall. The manager came and gave us a big bag of shrimps and asked us to leave.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
No kidding? So THAT'S how you get free shrimps out of the Red (excuse me, I mean GREEN) Lobster!


New Member
Originally posted by vraiblonde
No kidding? So THAT'S how you get free shrimps out of the Red (excuse me, I mean GREEN) Lobster!

no, the best way to do it is call the day before you want to go and say you just left and was very unhappy with the food and service. Then when the manager ask "how can we make it up to you" go "well I'm hoping it was just that nights crew. I would be willing to give your place another chance." and when he offers a free meal, go for it. Then show up the next night for your free shrimp... sounds good in theory... :biggrin: if they ask what your waitress looked like go "she was sort of short and hand brown hair" and when they go "we don't have someone by that description working tonight" go "well, then no wonder the service was bad!" and hang up the phone, quickly... then change the number... yeah... :biggrin:


Loyalty, Friendship, Love
Originally posted by fuzzyng
"well I'm hoping it was just that nights crew. I would be willing to give your place another chance."

Problem is it's not just that night's crew, their service always sucks.
A large group of us went there once, after my brother's graduation. There were two high schools graduating that night, it was a Tuesday and RL was packed. They were completely unprepared. Our waiter was new, I think, people who came in after us were served and left before us. They started sweeping up and cleaning the tables in preparation of closing. Our waiter had gone home. Someone finally found our food sitting in the kitchen, ice cold. They started literally falling all over themselves to bring us this disgusting food, the cooks were cleaning up too and they weren't about to get us fresh food. They spilled a whole dish of cocktail sauce all over me, ruining a brand-new pair of shoes.
That was 10 years ago and not the first bad service I'd had there. I never went back but others I know have, including my brother and I don't know anyone who has ever had decent service there.

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Tonio
Anyone notice how many pictures of crabs and lobsters show them as cooked (orange-red instead of green-blue)? Especially cartoons. Sebastian in the Little Mermaid looks like he just crawled off the table at Evans Seafood.
Not every crab is a blue crab. The crabs of Christmas Island are bright red naturally.


Lobsters can also be naturally bright red; albeit it's a rare condition. From a web site on lobsters: "A lobster's shell is composed of three pigments: red, blue, and yellow.When one or more of these pigments are missing at birth, a lobster may be red, blue, albino (white), or calico (dark with yellow spots). Blue lobsters occur once in every 3-4 million lobsters. Red lobsters (live ones) occur once in every 10 million. Except for albinos, all the color variations of lobsters turn red when they are cooked."

So the dancing red lobster is just a super freak. :lol: