help with rash


My 22 month old developed a rash and doctors are unsure what it is.

Started Tuesday with 2 red dots on right eyelid. Wednesday she woke up with a few more dots around eye that looked like acne. Thursday the red dots spread to her forehead. My daycare provider thought it may be poison ivy.

Took her to urgent care Thursday evening and the doctor said it looked like shingles. She gave a prescription for oral med to take. They said to follow-up with pediatrician Friday.

Her doctor is on vacation so we went to doctor on call. He said there is no way it can be shingles since she has not had chickenpox and 1 of the red bumps crosses the midline of her nose. He looked in medical books and could not find anything similar. Said it could be viral but since she hasnt been sick he isnt sure about that either. He said if he was forced to make a diagnosis he would say its shingles but it makes no sense. He gave her a prescription cream that is used to treat herpes virus.

She has had her vaccines. The rash has not hurt or itched. She is unaware it is even there.

Has anyone else dealt with this?


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New Member
Just guessing, but have you used different soaps or chemicals in her bedding?
Looks like the rash is restricted to her sleeping on one side of her face.
Wife says prickly heat.
We both say , poor baby, and you too. Hugs.


Well-Known Member
My 22 month old developed a rash and doctors are unsure what it is.

Started Tuesday with 2 red dots on right eyelid. Wednesday she woke up with a few more dots around eye that looked like acne. Thursday the red dots spread to her forehead. My daycare provider thought it may be poison ivy.

Took her to urgent care Thursday evening and the doctor said it looked like shingles. She gave a prescription for oral med to take. They said to follow-up with pediatrician Friday.

Her doctor is on vacation so we went to doctor on call. He said there is no way it can be shingles since she has not had chickenpox and 1 of the red bumps crosses the midline of her nose. She looked in medical books and could not find anything similar. Said it could be viral but since she hasnt been sick he isnt sure about that either. He said if he was forced to make a diagnosis he would say its shingles but it makes no sense. He gave her an oral med that is used to treat herpes virus.

She has had her vaccines. The rash has not hurt or itched. She is unaware it is even there.

Has anyone else dealt with this?

I am with 235 on this. See if you changed laundry soap, or a new pillow? Good luck!


Nothing has changed. We havnt been outside in the heat but that doesnt mean she hasnt gotten hot.


New Member
Hard to tell in the picture- but it looks kinda dryish and scaly to me. Maybe psoriasis? Would have to see a dermatoligist to really find out. rashes are really hard to diagnose accurately. Good luck to you!


It is starting to blister (blisters havnt broken open) and now her temperature is rising. It has spread and changed a lot in 24 hours. There is one big red bump on tip of nose that makes her cry if you touch it. The others do not hurt.


Having Fun!
It is starting to blister (blisters havnt broken open) and now her temperature is rising. It has spread and changed a lot in 24 hours. There is one big red bump on tip of nose that makes her cry if you touch it. The others do not hurt.

Might be time for another visit to urgent care since it has developed further, seems to hurt her, and has added fever as a symptom. That just might be enough to narrow it down. Has she had the chicken pox vaccine or been around any other kids with chicken pox?


New Member
Nothing has changed. We havnt been outside in the heat but that doesnt mean she hasnt gotten hot.

The hot weather makes for stale air. I would wash her bedding with Ivory soap, or just run it thru with out anything.
kids are funny, contact dermatitis can be from anything.
Oh, can she have Benadryl? Once the histamine starts going crazy, a kids rash goes crazy too.

Ya know, an infection causing an infection causing an infection.

Also try witch hazel as it calms down the skin ( I use it as an after shave once in a while). I would think that may help, check with your Mom friends.

** Just saw your update, an rise in temp is not good..I agree w/twin oaks. Urgent Care may be your and your daughters best friend on a Saturday evening! Good luck!
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Might be time for another visit to urgent care since it has developed further, seems to hurt her, and has added fever as a symptom. That just might be enough to narrow it down. Has she had the chicken pox vaccine or been around any other kids with chicken pox?

She had vaccine. I havnt seen anyone with chicken pox since I was a kid. I know its still around but as far as I know we havnt come into contact.

I just find it hard to believe that 2 different doctors couldnt positively say what it is. I called the St. Mary's ER tonight and asked if they had a dermatologist on site and she said there is always one on call if needed.


The hot weather makes for stale air. I would wash her bedding with Ivory soap, or just run it thru with out anything.
kids are funny, contact dermatitis can be from anything.
Oh, can she have Benadryl? Once the histamine starts going crazy, a kids rash goes crazy too.

Ya know, an infection causing an infection causing an infection.

Also try witch hazel as it calms down the skin ( I use it as an after shave once in a while). I would think that may help, check with your Mom friends.

** Just saw your update, an rise in temp is not good..I agree w/twin oaks. Urgent Care may be your and your daughters best friend on a Saturday evening! Good luck!

Dr. said to only give her prescribed meds since he doesnt know what it is and doesnt want me to give her anything to make it worse.

Said to definately avoid anything with steroids in it and dont put hydrocortizone. I thought 48 hours on the oral meds would of helped by now.


New Member
Her lips looked really red also, like they may be forming on them. Have ER also check inside her mouth for blisters. Hand foot and mouth disease is going around right now also but, it usually does not effect the eye or forehead area. I would definately take her.


New Member
I am not sure what it is but want to say I feel for you and hope they find out what it is soon :huggy: nothing worse than something wrong with one of your kids and you can't do anything about it!!! My son just had an allergic reaction to an antibiotic and broke out in a rash from head to toe and had a yeast infection around his mouth and private area thankfully urgent care gave him a different antibiotic and said to give him benadryl and cream for the yeast infection..


Having Fun!
Another son had something that looked similar - we thought it was poison ivy. Turns out it was an allergic reaction. His Dad had spread some hay on the garden that turned out to have something in it that he was allergic to --- his bed was by the window and the wind was blowing that day. That explained why he had it on only one side of his face.

Whatever it is, I feel for you and your baby and hope that someone gives you an answer soon so she can feel all better & you can stop worrying.


In My Opinion
Is a run up to Childrens Hospital in DC to see a specialist out of the question?

DC sucks but you are hard pressed to find a better place to take a child.
and yes, they do have Doctors there that see patients that are not hospital related.

Internet diagnosis is not really a good move when it comes to the baby.


no longer CalvertNewbie
Her lips looked really red also, like they may be forming on them. Have ER also check inside her mouth for blisters. Hand foot and mouth disease is going around right now also but, it usually does not effect the eye or forehead area. I would definately take her.

I was also going to say to have the doctors rule out HFMD because a lot of kiddos seem to have it these past couple of months. Poor baby, hope she feels better soon.


Having Fun!
Is a run up to Childrens Hospital in DC to see a specialist out of the question?

DC sucks but you are hard pressed to find a better place to take a child.
and yes, they do have Doctors there that see patients that are not hospital related.

Internet diagnosis is not really a good move when it comes to the baby.


Make sure your insurance will cover it.

And use a GPS to get there (preferably one with voice) -- believe me, I know! Just did 2 trips in & out to Washington Hospital Center & got lost on 3 out of the 4. Take money for parking, just in case.


She woke up this morning and her temp was at 99 and the bumps are still there but havnt spread and are not bright red like the last few days. They are actually starting to scab.

I didnt take her to the er last night. She was asleep when I first asked the question so I decided to let her sleep. I guess if it is starting to scab then it is healing.

She is still happy as ever. It just looks like it should hurt.


New Member
She woke up this morning and her temp was at 99 and the bumps are still there but havnt spread and are not bright red like the last few days. They are actually starting to scab.

I didnt take her to the er last night. She was asleep when I first asked the question so I decided to let her sleep. I guess if it is starting to scab then it is healing.

She is still happy as ever. It just looks like it should hurt.

I am glad to hear she is doing better!! :huggy: