Helping Out!



Robbie Thompson is a sixteen-year-old who was hit from behind by a car while he was walking down the road on December 6, 2002. He sustained a severe traumatic brain injury. He has made significant progress since his acute hospitalization. However, he continues to demonstrate significant cognitive impairments in memory, judgement, reasoning, processing speed, and comprehension. He will need ongoing neuropsychological services to monitor his cognitive status and assist with school reintegration.

Robbie is not able to walk at this time, however, great efforts and intense physical therapy is being administered to help him walk again. When Robbie was hospitalized at Prince George’s’ Hospital he suffered a stroke, which caused him to lose the use of his left side. He does not have much use of his left hand/arm; however, he is being rehabilitated in this area as well. He is currently at the Mt. Washington Pediatric Hospital where is receiving physical therapy six days a week. He has made significant improvement since he was transferred there a few weeks ago. While Robbie is continuing to work hard and gain his strength back, we are working hard at organizing a benefit for him.

The family of Robbie Thompson will be hosting a benefit on Sunday, March 23, 2003 at the Hollywood Volunteer Fire Department Social Hall from 12:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Admission is $5.00 per person and food and entertainment will be on hand. Monetary contributions can be made payable to the First National Bank of St. Mary’s c/o Robert Thompson, Jr.

Entertainment By:
Spoon Creek
Jay Armsworthy and Eastern Tradition
Six Guns South
Charlie Thompson and Bottom County Bluegrass
Recent Edition
Southern Country
Flying Blind

50/50 Raffle
Silent Auction
Baked Goods Table

Easter Basket Raffle for
Boy & Girl (The Basket's are really awesome!!)


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Just thought that I would bring this back to the top!



I hate when something like that happens to someone that has their whole life ahead of them still! Thanks for the info, sounds like a good cause.


We are working on a web site for him also. When we get it up and going I will post it so everyone can see his progress.


Hi Ya'll!!
Just thought that I would bring this back to the top again to remind everyone about the Benefit Dance for Robbie. Anyone who can make it Thank You So Much. For those that are not able to make it you can still stop off at the First National Bank in Leonardtown and make a donation. Your thought-ful-ness and generosity are greatly appreciated.

Please help make this a Great Success for Robbie. :smile:


You're all F'in Mad...
Supporters have also been working the local business community for donations for an auction at the event.

Too many people forget how dangerous our roadways are, until it's too late. And, if for some exceptional reason you must walk along the road, you should always walk against traffic so you can see what the driver is doing. Then, you at least have a chance to jump out of the way.


Nope! The driver was driving on suspended license's, dead tags, and no insurance. He wasn't even arrested on the seen. The officer that responed to the seen failed to do his job right. The case was heard in-front of the judge and he dismissed it. The man that hit Robbie left the courtroom driving the same vechicle the hit Robbie with the same dead tags and no license. He told the mother of Robbie that if the courts don't care than why should I and drove away.

It just goes to show how our laws are enforced around here. And how the courts will do anything to cover-up a mistake by our police force and save one mans job. But who cares right. It wasn't the police officer's son or the driver that struck Robbie son that will be scared for life. To go from a very athletic individual and a straight A student to a individual that has had to learn how to walk and talk all over again. It is a shame...


It sounds like a "hit-and-run" to me. :mad:
I might not be able to make it to the event, but I'll print your notice out and pass it along to my friends and co-workers.


Originally posted by Kimmy
Hi Ya'll!!
Just thought that I would bring this back to the top again to remind everyone about the Benefit Dance for Robbie. Anyone who can make it Thank You So Much. For those that are not able to make it you can still stop off at the First National Bank in Leonardtown and make a donation. Your thought-ful-ness and generosity are greatly appreciated.

Please help make this a Great Success for Robbie. :smile:

Bringing this back to the top again.



The date is just around the corner. MARCH 23 @12:00

Those that are able to make it again Thank You So Much!

If the rehab place that Robbie is at right now says that it is okay that Robbie can attend the Benefit for a couple of hours then he will be there.



Originally posted by Kimmy
The date is just around the corner. MARCH 23 @12:00

Those that are able to make it again Thank You So Much!

If the rehab place that Robbie is at right now says that it is okay that Robbie can attend the Benefit for a couple of hours then he will be there.


We had a bake sale over the weekend for Robbie and it turned out great. Thanks to SFW and there donations and to everyone else that donated.

The Benefit Party is just area the corner. Mark your calendar's for a day of fun. Hope to see everyone there!!!


The Benefit Dance is this weekend. I know that it will be a good weekend and everyone will be outside in there yards. But just stop by for an hour or two, too catch a song, put your name in for a raffle, or have lunch. There will be plenty of things to do.

Thanks for everyones help!! :cheers:


Originally posted by Kimmy
The Benefit Dance is this weekend. I know that it will be a good weekend and everyone will be outside in there yards. But just stop by for an hour or two, too catch a song, put your name in for a raffle, or have lunch. There will be plenty of things to do.

Thanks for everyones help!! :cheers:

Don't forget to stop by and come on in!!!!!