Her Big Bird...


Well-Known Member
So Baby Booti II is now 2 and wearing Pampers. She's currently wearing one with Bird Bird on it. She's been pointing to it yelling "this is my BIG Bird". I'm laughing so hard that I'm crying. I tried to walk away but the sound of my laughter just got her going again. I called my Mom and let her listen to it. She's cracking up now too. I'm awful. :lmao:



Well-Known Member
I knew as soon as I saw that you posted that you'd bring that up. :lol: But let's not talk about that :dork: in the same thread as my child. :lmao:


Well-Known Member
Doubt it will FLY with AFHV but I'll try to get her to do it again for youtube. Wait...would that be wrong of me?