Here is a different twist


Dancing Up A Storm
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=406 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=homefront-copy vAlign=top width=224 height=10>Love and marriage
</TD><TD class=homefront-copy vAlign=top width=5 height=20 rowSpan=2>
</TD><TD class=homefront-copy vAlign=top height=20 rowSpan=2> </TD></TR><TR><TD class=homefront-copy vAlign=top width=224 height=10>Men get offer they can't refuse On Orango Island, off the western coast of Africa, it's women, not men, who choose their husbands. The men are powerless to say no — it would dishonor their families</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>


Methodically disorganized
Different in so many ways...

He was 14 when the girl entered his grass-covered hut and placed a plate of steaming fish in front of him. ... His heart pounding, he lifted the aromatic dish, prepared with an ancient recipe, to his lips, agreeing in one bite to marry the girl.
Usually "that fishy smell" will send a man running... over there they love it. Who woulda guessed?! :lmao:


Dancing Up A Storm
"To have refused, explained Nananghe, remembering the day half a century ago, would have dishonored his family — and in any case, why would he want to choose his own wife?"

"Love comes first into the heart of the woman," he explained. "Once it's in the woman, only then can it jump into the man."

Interesting philosophy, don't you think?


Methodically disorganized
Penn said:
Interesting philosophy, don't you think?
Such protected "micro-cultures" are always interesting to study.

Of particular note, the causes from and effects on religion and "modern" beliefs. Could be a big can o' worms.


Dancing Up A Storm
hvp05 said:
Such protected "micro-cultures" are always interesting to study.

Of particular note, the causes from and effects on religion and "modern" beliefs. Could be a big can o' worms.

Hmmmmm, that is if you imagine this culture follows some form of modern religion. If they have not been exposed to it, or have chosen not to take it to heart?

That's a horse of a different color, in any case.


Dancing Up A Storm
"Although priestesses still control the island's relationship with the spirit world, their clout is waning, as Christian missionaries have established churches here."

OK, Christianity is worming it's way into this island nation, and some of the young ones think it's for the best.

As for the older folks, they like it just as it is.

"Let the women chase you!" :lmao:


Methodically disorganized
Penn said:
Hmmmmm, that is if you imagine this culture follows some form of modern religion. If they have not been exposed to it, or have chosen not to take it to heart?
When I said "'modern' beliefs" I was thinking about other things mentioned in the article - like clothing, tourism, etc.

All of this will undoubtedly disrupt a population that was so secluded and unique.


Dancing Up A Storm
Dougstermd said:
I always thought that love entered a man much lower and then he shoved it into a woman:confused

That philosophy is on a much different level, eh? :lmao:

Quote: When I said "'modern' beliefs" I was thinking about other things mentioned in the article - like clothing, tourism, etc.

All of this will undoubtedly disrupt a population that was so secluded and unique.


No doubt. I was simply stuck by this island's beliefs, and how it so much differentiates itself from what the rest of the world believes.

"They return with a new form of courtship, one which their elders find deeply unsettling."

"Now the world is upside down," complained 90-year-old Cesar Okrane, his eyes obscured by a cloud of cataracts. "Men are running after women, instead of waiting for them to come to them."

It's illogical to them, the way the other half of the world conducts it's courtship.
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Dougstermd said:
I always thought that love entered a man much lower and then he shoved it into a woman:confused

Ain't that the dead honest truth! :lmao:

The Jackoholic

thinning out the tards
hey I wouldn't mind being chased or asked out by women it might be interesting to be able to say NO and make them feel akward. Also I think its time they start buying us the 3 month salary ring for an engagement, a nice 9 diamond one.


In My Opinion
some things are the same all over.

here it always helps to taste the fish before you get the girl too.